

One of the core responsibilities of STDCs is to ensure that the health system is trained in delivering TB services and managing the programme effectively. In order to ensure adequate skill set for delivering high quality TB care on a continual basis, the staff may require to be trained in-depth at the time of induction into the system and provided with updates as and when necessary. A proportion of them may also need to be re-trained either periodically or based on their performance gaps/ competencies. 

The STDC needs to directly execute training activities at the state level and also coordinate the execution of all the trainings of staff and trainers at the level of district and below. They may deliver training for the following purposes as mentioned below.

  • Induction training: All the freshly recruited staff in the health system and deputed/ transferred into NTEP will require induction training in NTEP. Different categories of NTEP and General Health System staff have to be trained as per the relevant course curriculum (Modules/ hands-on training/ other guidelines) prescribed by NTEP for the respective cadre. 
  • Update training: This training should be provided as and when there is a change in programme guidelines or new operational processes are being introduced. For this purpose it is preferrable that all such newer initiatives may be compiled as fresh modules for the respective cadre and later integrated into the existing course at national level when they are revised.
  • Refresher training:  It is offered to the already trained officials either on their request or the official was trained long back and the supervisor or the official feels the need of training. Duration of this training will be similar to induction training or may be of shorter duration as per the need. Those who were already trained but were outside the programme for a significant period of time may also need to get a refresher training. (Periodically once in 3 years)
  • Re-training: It is similar to Induction training for all the officials when a large sweeping change are adopted in the programme and the entire operational aspect is thoroughly changed or if an official needs to be retrained as per the assessment of the supervisor/ supervisory team.

The STDCs are required to train the trainers for all cadres in NTEP and facilitate and monitor cascade training for other staff at all levels of the health system in the state. 


Planning Training

Planning Training

Each year the STDC has to prepare the comprehensive annual training plan/calendar for the STDC and support the districts in preparation of their training plan and its inclusion in the PIP of the state. The training plan should be able to clearly state the number of batches of NTEP/ TB related training (with details of expected participants, facilitators, modalities used, start and end date, training locations/ venue, etc.) that will have to be executed in the state for all types of trainees including public, private, volunteers, medical college faculties, community and civil society members. This would include training at all levels including training of trainers and training at state/ district/ sub-district levels. Following are the activities to be done to prepare the annual training plan.

Maintain the HR and training database

The STDC has to maintain the database of all staff (including General Health System and Private sector) to be trained, cadre-wise pool of trainers and details of available training infrastructure at various levels in the state. The training database should contain details of:

  1. Sanctioned staff of different categories at various levels in the state and the current status (personnel posted in the respective position, regular/ contractual).  
  2. Individuals posted at various positions including, personal profile, location of posting , their training log/history, competency feedback given by supervisors, and finally their training requirement based on position/ designations (such as pending training - induction/ re-training/ update, trained). 
  3. Facilitators including log of Training of Trainers (TOTs) attended, details of the cadres that they are qualified to train, log of training feedback given by the participants. 
  4. Infrastructure(venue/ location/ training halls) with equipment available.

The training database should be updated in real time. It is to be developed as an online tool and integrated with the Training MIS of the NHM (TMIS). Till such time a limited version of the database may be maintained as data in spreadsheets. (click here for sample format. Refer to annexure on instructions on filling this format).

Conduct a training need analysis: Using the regularly updated training database the STDCs should be able to undertake an assessment of the different types and quantity of training that they need to conduct in the coming year to ensure that the staff at different levels within the programme and of the Health System of the state are able to perform the duties/ roles expected of them. The assessment would also need to consider the priorities of training along with the time, resources and facilitators available to execute/ implement the training. Purpose/ aim of the needs assessment will be to estimate the NTEP related training load in terms of the number of personnel in various cadres to be trained in the different geographies of the state.

Build trainer resource pool: Based on the needs assessment and the gap in trainer requirements against the training load, the STDC needs to conduct relevant Training of Trainers (TOTs) for each cadre of staff. Trainers may be identified from a variety of sources including NTEP Staff, Medical Colleges, and National Institutes. TOTs can only be conducted by qualified Master Trainers for each cadre in the state. 

Prepare the annual training plan: Using the database and based on the training need assessment, the STDC has to prepare its own annual training plan for induction/update/re-training and also support preparation of training plans including training calendar in the respective districts. 

Prepare the Training Calendar: Based on the available capacity and priorities of the state, the STDC needs to prepare a training calendar. The Training calendar will list down the various trainings planned at all different levels based in a calendar/ Gantt chart format. The standard duration of each training needs to follow the NTEP's training guidelines for each type (induction/ retraining/update etc.). The facilitators for each batch of training, the dates and locations where in-person training/ demonstration/ evaluations would be conducted for each batch should be identified. 

Update the Training Section of the PIP: Based on the training calendar prepared, the STDC should estimate the required resources (trainers, infrastructure, material, funds etc) on the basis of relevant NTEP norms(click here), keeping in view that the existing capacity at different levels. The STDC has to ensure that the funds required for the training are included in the PIP at the respective level. The STDC should also prepare relevant justifications for the conduct of the same and advocate for its approval. Based on the approved PIP, the STDC may try to fill the resource gaps through appropriate additional resources and ensure essential training is prioritized.



Training Execution

Training Execution

The STDC has to ensure that quality training is imparted to various cadres at different levels as per the Training calendar and the relevant CTD guidelines. the training material should include cadre-wise courses published by the CTD and should be shared with all the participants and other logistics. Some of the training material, especially for the peripheral field staff and community volunteers may be translated/back translated to local language and the STDC should develop the training material in local language.

Training of program managers [DTO, Medical Officer TB Control (MOTC), training of core NTEP staff [Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS), Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor (STLS), District Programme Coordinator (DPC), Laboratory Technician (LTs) etc.], and training of all trainers in the state will be directly executed by the STDC. The STDC has to undertake the following steps with respect to the trainings directly conducted by it:- 

  1. Reserve corresponding training venue/ infrastructure.
  2. Ensure enrollment of corresponding trainees in individual batches
  3. Inform and confirm the availability of facilitators 

Training of staff like Microscopy-LTs , staff of general health system, private sector staff and health volunteers would be executed/ implemented at the district/ sub-district level under the overall supervision of the DTO. For the training conducted at the district/ sub-district level, the STDC should support in all aspects for conducting the trainings.

Some specialized training (e.g. training of Microbiologists and Sr.LT of IRL & CDST labs), and training of the state level program managers and Trainers would be conducted by the National Institutes. For this purpose the STDC should request linked National Institute to conduct TOT, training of state-level programme managers/ STDC staff as needed. STDCs may also facilitate nomination of trainers to be trained in upcoming TOT batches by the National Institute and facilitate their participation.

 Sometimes additional trainings may needs to be organized over and above the annual training plan as per requirements of the state or as conveyed by CTD.


Monitoring and Evaluation of Training

Monitoring and Evaluation of Training

As training is being conducted through out the year the STDCs have to be able to generate and report the latest status of the training on demand. They should take action to ensure adequate performance against the plan. For this task the STDC needs to:

  1. Monitor the end-to-end execution process of each batch of planned training at STDC and other levels. This includes:
    1. monitoring of the batches initiated/completed as per the plan for various cadres/ geographies.
    2. monitoring the output of the training in terms of the proportion of trainees successfully completing the training.
  2. Take action for trainees who were unable to successfully complete training, by including them in the next available batch.
  3. Training feedback and quality assurance. This includes collating and analyzing the various quantitative/ qualitative feedback provided by the participants at the end of the course and translate the feedback into actions related to the trainer, training infrastructure and facilities, training content. 
  4. At the end of each year before the next year's planning, evaluate the training conducted against the annual plan. Any shortfall may be accounted for during the subsequent year's training plan.
  5. Based on the evaluation STDCs should prepare the annual report of training conducted in the State and include it in the NTEP report of the state for future reference and review

Training Evaluation

It is imperative to evaluate the short-term effects and long-term gains of any training programme to update the knowledge and expected performance up gradation with respect to the changing programme strategies. This is especially important for the NTEP addressing TB having wide spread stigma prevalent in the community. This can be undertaken in association with linked National Institute periodically at least once in 2-3 years. (click here)
