Technical Guidance & Support

Technical Guidance & Support

Technical support for establishing a TB Free Workplace will be provided by:

-    Central TB Division (CTD), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, GoI.
-  National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) – Concerned State TB Cell & District TB Centre. For further information on the State and District TB centres, kindly visit the links to the directory of District TB Officer and State TB Officer respectively:
DTO Directory:

STO Directory:

The brief roles of ‘NTEP’ at state and district with regard to Workplace Intervention has been briefly mentioned in Annexure 7.4

-    Corporate TB Pledge (CTP) Secretariat, The Union – technical support to corporate organizations for designing and implementing TB related activities and projects.
For further information, kindly visit:

Several guidelines and resources developed by Central TB Division and partner organizations are extremely useful for reference:

-    Guidance Document on Partnership 2019, CTD, MoHFW. (…% 20on%20Partnerships%20RNTCP%202019.pdf)

-    Policy Framework to address Tuberculosis, TB related co-morbidities and HIV in the World of Work in India, MoLE, GOI. (

-    A Resource Manual for Peer Educators of Enterprises on TB and HIV/AIDS Workplace Programmes.
( Resource Manual for Peer Educators of Enterprises on TB and HIV/AIDS Workplace Programmes ( )

-        Employer Led Model for Tuberculosis Prevention and Care, CTD, MoHFW. (… df)

-    National    Multi    sectoral    action    framework    for    TB    Free    India. (… 0Action%20Framework%20for%20TB-Free%20India_30-8-19.pdf)

-    Statement of Commitment of India Employer Organizations on addressing TB and HIV in the World of Work

( new_delhi/documents/publication/wcms_744694.pdf)

-    National Framework for a Gender Responsive Approach to TB in India (

-    Standards for TB Care in India (

-    Training Curriculum for Peer Educators
Course for Health Volunteers and Treatment Supporters in NTEP | Knowledge Base

-    Guidelines on Airborne Infection Control in Healthcare and other settings… ection_Control_April2010Provisional.pdf

-    India TB Report 2023, CTD, MoHFW, Govt. of India. (

-    Global    Tuberculosis    report    2023,    WHO (

-    IEC materials on TB (…)
