Role of NTEP at state and district level in implementing workplace intervention

Role of NTEP at state and district level in implementing workplace intervention

State and District TB Cells play a crucial role in engaging workplaces to establish a TB free workplace setting. Their role includes:
-    Mapping of key industries and leading business association/s in the state and districts respectively.
-    States may develop a ‘State TB Workplace Policy’ in alignment with National Strategic Plan (NSP) and National Policy Framework to address TB and TB related co-morbidities in the world of work.
-    Garnering political and administrative support for collaborating with different workplaces to initiate workplace intervention for TB.
-    Developing state and district specific road-map or work plan for an intensified approach to influence different workplaces to adopt interventions for establishing a TB Free Workplace.
-    Organize state and district level sensitization meetings and training programme for nodal officers of corporates for partnership for collaborative action.
-    Providing technical support to engage workplaces in the TB space
-    Supporting capacity building of management, workplace committee, peer educators, and health staff of workplace.
-    Ensuring provisions for TB evaluation/testing, treatment initiation, and public health actions for the workers in collaboration with the workplace committee.
-    Developing IEC materials and organize awareness generation activities on TB in the workplaces.
-    States can develop checklist, reporting system, conduct programmatic review meetings to get update from Districts on corporate response on TB, conduct regular review meeting, field visit to corporates.
-    District to conduct assessment and verify a corporate’s claim on being a TB Free Workplace.
-    The State TB office to maintain a district-wise database of certified TB Free Workplaces.
-    Documenting and disseminating best practices on workplace interventions for TB.
-    Facilitate selected industries for outstanding contribution on TB intervention.


Air-borne Infection Control Check-list

Air-borne Infection Control Check-list



