[Draft] Trainers Guide for Course for Senior DR-TB/TB-HIV Supervisor on NTEP

[Draft] Trainers Guide for Course for Senior DR-TB/TB-HIV Supervisor on NTEP

In Development


Competencies of Sr DR-TB/TB-HIV Supervisor

Competencies of Sr DR-TB/TB-HIV Supervisor

The following competencies are essential to a Sr DR-TB/TB-HIV Supervisor.

# Competency Description Assessment Method
1 Monitor and coordinate for DST/DRT Testing for all Notified TB Cases - Identify individuals pending various DST/ DRT tests from Notification Register/ Patient wise Lab register based on NTEP guidelines  
- Coordinate with various field staff to obtain samples and transport them to linked Laboratory and to obtain valid results, and ensure Patient TATs are within norms  
- Reinitiate new epsiodes and initiate request for Test through Ni-kshay
Evaluate knowledge, attitude, and practices based on a review of the status of DST/DRT Testing performance in the district.
2 Coordinate to initiate appropriate DRTB treatment by referral to relevant PHI and coordinate with field staff for patient support - Check the reports of various laboratory investigations and coordinate to establish the diagnosis of DRTB  
- Refer a person with TB to the appropriate DRTB Centre/ ART Centre/ health facility for Clinical followup/ Treatment initiation and ensure appropriate HF Linkage in Ni-Akshay  
-Co-ordinate to identify an appropriate treatment supporter and health facility in consultation with the medical officer, field staff and beneficiary  
-Document the treatment initiation and details of prescription in Ni-kshay
1. Verification of case records in Ni-kshay to check whether correct regimens are prescribed when new diagnostic information is available  
2. Interview with patients under care of the individual to check whether treatment initiation is as per NTEP guidelines
3 Counsel the people who are presumptive DRTB/ diagnosed with/ on treatment for, DR-TB and their family Through home visits Counsel the people with presumptive DR-TB/ people diagnosed with or on treatment of DR-TB and TB-HIV on:  
-Early and complete Diagnosis of DRTB, correct and complete Treatment of DRTB,  
-Treatment Adherence,  
-Co-morbidity management including regular Treatment and follow-up with ART for PLHIV  
-Airborne Infection Control,  
-Contact Investigation,  
-TB Preventive Therapy for contacts,  
-Adverse Drug Reaction monitoring and management  
-Social welfare measures
1. Interview with people affected with TB/TBI to check STS's ability to counsel
4 Monitor the treatment adherence of people on DR-TB treatment and initiate timely retrieval actions

-Monitor treatment adherence records on Niksay on a day to day basis

 -Identify people who have missed doses -Investigate reasons for missed doses and trouble shoot -Initiate timely retrieval actions wherever required

1. Review Ni-kshay adherence calenders  
2. Interview with treatment supporters and patients who missed doses
5 Coordinate timely Clinical and Laboratory follow-up of DR-TB patients according to NTEP Guidelines Clinical Followup  
Laboratory Followup  
Treatment outcomes  
Long Term Post Treatment Outcomes
  1. Review in Ni-kshay reports
  2. Interview with patients
6 Monitor Status of completion of comorbidity Testing for All notified TB patients Coordinate with NTEP staff for timely completion of comorbidity testing . Review in Ni-kshay reports and register
Monitor and Raise a request for drug stock and consumables replenishment at particular health facility - To monitor adherence to stocking norms and identify health facility for impending stockouts or with drug stock nearing expiry and assist respective PHI drug store to raise refill request.  
- Coordinate with DTC/ State drug store pharmacist for issuance of relevant drug stock as per request
1. Review indent and issue register of Ni-Kshay Aushadhi
8 Support the DTO in organizing the District level Comorbidity Committees and ensure optimal performance of TB Comorbidity activities

-Prepare and maintain a directory of ICTCs, ART Centres, Community Care Centres, NCD clinics, private health facilities and NGOs working for HIV , in the district and collaborating NTEP Centres

-Coordinating the meeting with relevant stakeholders and preparing action points

-To oversee that action points are implemented


  1. Interview with DTOs
9 Build capacity of District staff (STS/ TBHV, MPHW, TS/HV, CHO) on DR-TB Services - Support in the training of Peripheral staff  
1.Competency Assessment
10 Assist DTO to monitor the NTEP in the district - Use Ni-kshay dashboards and other program reccords, and interpret key performance indicators of NTEP in the faility/geography  
-Perform time, place, person analysis and identify areas for improvement `  
-Assist MO in Monitoring the input and process indicators related to the output/outcome indicator and suggest corrective actions  
- Conduct supportive supervision and help in building the capacity of treatemnet supporters with an intention to improve quality of services.  
- Assist Medical Officer in providing timely and actionable feedback to health sub-centers and reporting field staff (ANM, ASHA, TB-HV, STS, STLS, MPW, HA, etc.)  
- Support the staff in taking the corrective actions leading to an improvement in quality of services"
1. Interview with DTO/ MO-DTC to check ability in supporting monitoring  
2. Verification of review meeting minutes & documentation of feedback provided