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TB Performance Indicator - Percentage of TB Notified Patients with Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing (UDST) Done   


This indicator measures the efforts by the programme to get the Universal Drug Susceptibility testing done for TB  patients.

Indicator Numerator Denominator Multiplier Data source
% of TB notified patients with UDST done Number of TB patients with UDST done Total number of TB patients notified during  the defined period 100 Ni-kshay


  • Number of patients with UDST done includes all the TB patients with drug susceptibility testing to at least Rifampicin done.
  • UDST is not possible for all TB patients. For example, specimens may not be available for testing in extrapulmonary. The aim is to do UDST for all the cases with specimens available for testing.
  • The denominator includes the net notified cases.
  • States can set a benchmark to be achieved for this indicator, around 70% is desirable.



In District X, the number of notified TB cases in a year is 600. Out of them, 300 underwent UDST. Out of them, 10 patients are resistant to Rifampicin.

% TB notified cases with UDST done = (300 * 100) / 600 = 50%





Question​ option 1​ Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​  
What is the numerator of the percentage of TB notified cases with UDST  done? Total TB cases notified No. of Rifampicin Resistant cases The total number of patients with  UDST  done Total  no. of drug-sensitive cases    3 ​The total number of patients with  UDST done is the numerator of the percentage of TB notified cases with UDST done.        

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Renjini Wed, 03/08/2022 - 22:51

TB Performance Indicator 3- Percentage of TB notified patients with Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing (UDST) done   

This indicator measures the efforts taken to offer drug susceptibility testing to TB  patients

% of TB notified patients with UDST done=                                                                 



Numerator and Denominator


Data  source

Number of patients with UDST done in the defined period in the specific TU/ District/State (Numerator)

Includes all the TB patients with Drug susceptibility testing (to at least Rifampicin)  is done.


UDST may not be possible for some  forms of TB where specimen for testing is not available (eg- spine TB).






Total TB patients notified during defined period in the specific TU/ District/State (Denominator)




All the TB  cases notified  in the defined period is included






In a district X, the number of notified TB cases in a year is 600. Out of them 300 underwent UDST . Out of them 10 patients are resistant to Rifampicin.

% TB notified cases with UDST done =   = 50%


  • UDST should be done for all cases of TB where specimen is available for testing.
  • Specimen may not be available for some TB patients hence attaining 100%  UDST is practically impossible.
  • The desirable bench mark set by state for this indicator is 70%





option 1​

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Correct answer​

Correct explanation​

Page id​

Part of Pre-test​

Part of Post-test​


The   numerator of  percentage  of TB notified cases  with UDST  done


 Total TB cases notified

No of Rifampicin Resistant cases

Total number of patients  UDST  was  done

 Total  no of drug  sensitive  cases

  Option  3