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  • Management of DR-TB ADR: Gynecomastia

    Learning Objectives
    • Discuss Gynecomastia as an ADR to DR-TB Treatment, suspected agent(s).
    • Enumerate suggested management strategies for Gynecomastia.

Figure: Gynaecomastia due to Ethionamide treatment

Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs), such as gynaecomastia, may occur from the Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) treatment regimen.



Suspected agent(s): Ethionamide (Eto)





Suggested Management Strategies


  • Breast enlargement can be a troublesome side effect of Ethionamide (Eto) treatment, especially for male patients. Galactorrhea has also been reported.
  • Encourage patients to tolerate this side effect.


Points to Note


  • Resolution occurs after treatment is stopped.





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