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Every state needs to establish the State Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT) Committee. 


The functions and structure of the State PMDT Committee are listed below.




  1. Develop a plan of action for the implementation, expansion and maintenance of PMDT in the respective state.
  2. Select, facilitate, upgrade and designate institutes to serve as Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) centres within each state.
  3. Periodically review the implementation status of PMDT in the respective state to ensure that National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) PMDT policies and guidelines are being followed.
  4. In coordination with the respective State TB Officer (STO), ensure that drug ordering and distribution is managed in a timely and appropriate manner.




The table below delineates the composition of the state PMDT committee.


Table: Composition of the State PMDT Committee; Source PMDT Guidelines of India, 2021, p204.

Chairperson Principal Secretary/ Secretary (Health)
Vice-Chairperson Director of Health Services
Member Mission Director (National Rural Health Mission)
Member Director of Medical Education
Member Secretary State TB Officer (STO)
Member Director, State TB Demonstration Centre
Member Chairperson State Task Force
Member Microbiologist - Intermediate Reference Laboratory
Member Chairperson of Directly Observed Therapy, Short-course (DOTS) Plus Site Committees in the State
Member 2 eminent Chest Physicians (Medical Colleges/ Private Sector)
Member Representative of Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI)
Member State Headquarter NTEP consultant
Member 1 representative each from any two NGOs working in the TB programme
Member 1 representative from professional bodies like the Indian Medical Association (IMA)





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