NTEP Training System

This online document is about the NTEP's training system. 

The Training System (MTS) brings systems thinking into training in a modern way. It incorporates modern methods of training material creation, training delivery and monitoring and evaluation of training while including the best practices of traditional techniques and is more inclusive to all stakeholders that work in the fight against TB in India. The new system is built for continuous evolution and expansion along with the evolving training needs of the National TB Elimination Program.

 The system comprises three interoperable components, each dealing with 1) content creation  2)Training Operations 3)Training Monitoring and Evaluation and competency assessment. This model of separation of purposes ensures that Training content development and maintenance, can continue, without creating a dependency for training operations, while delivering the latest material. Simultaneously it offers a standardized way to plan, monitor, evaluate and conduct training needs assessments as a part of the dynamic and ever-changing scenario.  

The components use open-source standards that enable complete interoperability at a low cost. For example, the training material output from the content creation component is embedded in various externally maintained Learning Management Systems such as, the WHO's Swasth-eGurukul or the NIHFW's Saksham. The system also lays the foundation for future AI-based-on-demand training, where any user should be able to intuitively query in natural language, and receive the most relevant and contextually adapted programmatic instruction/ training.