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The procedure will be the same for Laboratory Technician (LT) at Culture and Drug Susceptibility Testing (C & DST) lab for preparation and validation of reagents.


Each laboratory should have a Quality Control (QC) slide examination register.


At the District level the Senior TB Laboratory Supervisor (STLS) should record the QC slides (positive and negative) results in the register kept after preparation of each batch of reagents at the District TB Unit.


At each Designated Microscopy Centre (DMC), the LT will record the results of QC (positive and negative) slides in the QC register after the receipt of the reagents each time. The slides are to be given by the STLS.


  • Any material found to be unsatisfactory is recorded and removed from routine use.
  • Rotate the stock to ensure that the oldest material is used first.


A roster should be prepared so that all STLSs are trained in preparing the reagents at the DTC.



Figure: Sample of Entry in QC Slide Examination Register






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