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  • Mapping the population for ACF

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will be able to 

    - Give examples of key and vulnerable populations

    - Outline importance of identifying and mapping the key and vulnerable population for ACF and

    - Prepare a map of key and vulnerable populations in their local area





Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
Which of the following is true regarding mapping of Vulnerable populations for ACF Is an ongoing activity throughout the year Vulberable populations are identified based on local information and a list of vulnerable groups identified by NTEP All vulnerable population groups must be mapped Review of the map should be done atleast once a year 3

All vulnerable populations need not be mapped. They may be prioritisation and selected based on local needs and available information. 


Yes Yes


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