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The first subsystem of the modernized training system is the machinery to develop translatable multi-media training material that can be used for training all personnel across the country. The material developed needs to be:

  1. standardized and translatable(to ensure consistent messaging/ practices) accessible openly in an electronic form
  2. reusable (the same training content can be used for overlapping needs for different cadres) 
  3. easily updatable (to allow easy change of standardized content)

This component is built to include all stakeholders that delevelop training material, ranging from national institutions, technical and programmatic experts, to instructional learning experts and digital media creators. They all need to follow uniform processes to interact and produce training material, spanning all of NTEP operations, in a consistent manner, maintaining a high level of quality.

The system of content development will be made of three parts, the Knowledge map, the Page Library and Training Courses and curricula.

Parts of Content Development System

1. The Knowledge Map:

Knowledge Map Concept

The entire universe of ideas/ concepts required for training in NTEP has been visualized as a map called the ‘Knowledge map’. Each unique idea/unit in the Knowledge Map is called a ‘node’, which serves as a building block to the entire training content development process.

2. The Page Library: 

For each node on the knowledge map, standardized training content is built as a Page. A page is expected to impart training related to the learning objectives defined on its knowlege node, in a maximum duration 3 mins. While developing the page, questions related to the learning objective are also defined. Each page is translated into necessary language versions. Pages for all the knowledge map nodes are available in the “Page Library". 

Development of pages will include:

  1. Understanding learning objectives and gathering technical material
  2. Designing/ redesigning the instruction/ digital content for each page using various media (Text+/- images, Audio/ Videos, interactive animations etc) based on feedback from the end-users.
  3. framing questions associated to the various learning objectives and adding them along with the page 
  4. translation of select pages according to need/feedback from the end-users

3. Course/ Curriculum Development:

Pages drawn from the Page library will serve as building blocks for designing training curriculum or “Courses”. Any number of Courses can be prepared  by grouping/ structuring the pages from the Page Library in a sequence. The grouping/ selection of various pages and their sequencing will address all varieties of training needs for different cadres.  Pages are organized under chapters in a sequence; chapters are in turn organized under modules and later modules are organized into Courses. Courses will be used to implement training.


This model where the training content development is divided into three parts, allows adherence to the initial principles of reusability, standardization and ability to be kept updated. Through the knowledge map there is a comprehensive understanding of the various current knowledge/ training needed in NTEP and becomes a repository of the same. The content in pages is standardized for use across the country. The availability of individual pages allows it to be reused in multiple training courses for different cadres; and allows individual pages to be updated, whereby the courses using these pages can be automatically updated with the latest information  or upgraded into a more engaging and prioritised way.

The Pre-test , intermediate quizzes and post-test also constitute an important component of the course curriculum. These quizzes are composed of selected questions drawn from the question bank generated from the pool of questions linked to each page added to the course.

The processes related to all the three components described above are carried out in the online tool built for this subsystem called the Knowledge Base.