Functions of STDC

The overall function of the STDC is to act as the technical arm of the STC. Acting as the technical arm, it directly is responsible for four major workstreams as metioned below:

  1. SM&E: STDCs would be performing continuous and real-time monitoring of programme performance through all the digital and physical information systems and reporting sources. Based on the same it would provide feedback and collect reports based on action taken from districts. To understand on ground scenario and compare programme vision and achievements it will also need to conduct supervisory visits and evaluate the current performance of the program against the aspirations. The findings of the SM&E activities along with the necessary actions to be taken are to be communicated to the respective districts through the State Tuberculosis Officer (STO).
  2. Training: STDCs are expected to build the capacity of HR in the programme, i.e. NTEP key personnel, general health system, medical college faculty and private health sector, in relation to programme operations so that they are able to effectively deliver TB services and execute the roles expected from them.
  3. TB Laboratory (IRL): It will facilitate laboratory trainings and manage the resources at IRLs which in-turn is responsible for providing TB laboratory services, conducting hands on laboratory-based training and for monitoring quality of laboratory services in the state.
  4. Technical Support: Technical support involves myriad activities, keeping in view the TB epidemiology of the state, prepare and evolve state level TB elimination strategy, plan, generate evidence and advocate for the resources required for it, prepare a need based ACSM plan for all the target groups and support in the implementation of newer interventions.

Thus, the functions of STDCs are further elaborated under these four thematic areas.