Technical Assistance to State TB Program

Apart from the core routine activities of Training and SM&E, STDCs need to support the state by technically guiding the state TB program. 

1. Prepare and evolve state strategy plan for TB Elimination: The STDCs based on its understanding of the State need and context (TB epidemiology, strength of health system, resources available), it needs to prepare and evolve action plan toward TB Elimination. The action plan while being in alignment with the interventions of the National TB Elimination strategy, it needs to take into account the TB burden of the state, special population groups related to TB (vulnerable groups, migrants etc.). Based on this context the strategic interventions may add on to existing NTEP and may be directed toward 

  1. Focused and improved TB detection
  2. Improving treatment outcomes
  3. Health system strengthening for TB care 

2. Implementation of new interventions: Based on evolving program guidelines issued by the Central TB Division needs to be implemented in the state. This would involve

  1. planning for the introduction and scale up of these new interventions in the state
  2. capacity building the health system and staff
  3. monitoring the implementation progress

3. Prepare the annual PIP: The STDC based on the existing performance of the state and the needs identified based on the TB Elimination strategy of the state, it needs to prepare the annual Program Implementation Plan (PIP) in such a way that the state and district NTEP is adequately resourced. 

4. Advocate: The STDC needs to advocate and obtain resources required for the state level strategy. Advocacy may be directed toward sources such as the National Health Mission (NHM), State Health System, Government representatives and Panchayati Raj Institutions, private and corporate entities, and even to the civil society and community at large.

5. Surveillance: The STDC should have a clear understanding of the status of the TB burden and epidemiology of the state through continuous ongoing surveillance activities. This may include activities such as conducting surveys, analysis of program data and additionally collected data as per need. Based on this the state may apply for Sub-National Disease free certification.

6. Generate evidence for program interventions in alignment with state strategy through suitable Operational Research, and by evaluating, documenting and disseminating best practices by publishing related reports and periodicals.  

These activities related to these need to be planned by the STDCs each year and budgeted in the annual PIP.