The performance of STDCs must be monitored regularly on the basis of the annual action plan by both the state and centre.

The NTI, Bengaluru will support CTD in monitoring the performance of STDCs on an ongoing basis and provide a quarterly-biannually report of the performance of the STDCs to CTD. Along with any state NTEP review, CTD should also review the performances of STDCs. 

Key Performance indicators for monitoring the functioning of STDCs are as follows:

  1. Proportion of training conducted by STDCs against planned.
  2. Proportion of supportive supervisory visits and EQA on-site evaluation (OSE) visits to district by STDCs against planned.
  3. Proportion of programmatic reviews with district facilitated by STDCs against planned.
  4. Proportion of state internal evaluation facilitated by STDCs against planned.
  5. Average number of action-oriented feedback, per district, provided by STDC in the quarter
  6. Proportion of actions taken report received against the feedback issued by STDCs (last 3 month status).
  7. Proportion of Operational research initiated by STDCs against annual plan.
  8. Proportion of Operational Research completed by STDCs against due date.

All supervisory and evaluation visits from centre to states such as Joint Supportive supervision, Central Internal Evaluation need to visit STDCs and review their performance. 

Checklists for supportive supervision of STDCs/ RTPMCs are as follows: 

  1. STDC/ RTPMCs established in the state/Union Territory as per norms and needs of the state.
  2. Staff for STDC/ RTPMC available as per norms
  3. Infrastructure and equipment including Modernized Training Units established at STDCs/RTPMCs as per norms
  4. Training plan of STDCs/ RTPMCs adequate to cover the health workforce in the state
  5. Training implemented in the state as per training guidelines
  6. Training conducted by STDCs are quality assured
  7. Training and training needs monitored by STDCs through TMIS
  8. SM&E plan of STDCs/RTPMCs compliant with guidelines
  9. SM&E activities conducted by STDCs as per the plan
  10. Technical assistance in the following domains provided by STDCs 
    1. State-specific strategic plan prepared and revised timely
    2. TB Surveillance
    3. Preparation of PIP
    4. Advocacy
    5. Implementation of newer interventions
    6. SNC
    7. Operational Research
  11. Data in monthly reports submitted by STDC is correct and complete.