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  • Linkage to TB-HIV services in the private sector

    Learning Objectives

    The current scenario in Private sector (on TB-HIV), STCI on HIT testing, scope in the private sector, how to improve TB-HIV bilateral screening in the private sector with special reference to HIV Testing for Private Sector Patients.


National AIDs Control Programme (NACP) has established partnerships with bonafide registered entities, which include non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community-based organisations, federations of self-help groups (SHGs), registered medical practitioners (allopathic/ AYUSH), hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, health professional bodies and organisations. The three primary models for establishing a ‘Facility-ICTC’ in the private sector under a Public Private Partnership Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (PPP-ICTC) are: 

  1. Provide training to medical/para-medical staff on national guidelines and protocols with no support for commodities

  2. Provide training to medical/para-medical staff on national guidelines and protocols with support for commodities such as HIV diagnostic test kits, prevention of parent to child transmission of HIV (PPTCT) drugs, counselling tools, information, education and communication (IEC) as per requirement 

  3. Provide sensitisation to medical/ para-medical staff on national guidelines with no training to medical/ para-medical staff and no support on commodities

The Guidance Document on Partnerships Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme mentions providing services in the private sector for linking TB-HIV coordination services. This includes collaborating and designing the appropriate model of referral linkage and testing services at private hospitals and clinics based on National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) and NACO guidelines. This may include

  • Establishing HIV testing facilities at the private hospital
  • Facilitating patient testing, preferably at a free testing centre, such as F-ICTC/ICTC or NACO-empanelled HIV testing centres
  • Establishing effective linkages between the patient and the nearest ICTC for confirmatory test
  • Update HIV status of TB patients in Ni-kshay
  • Providing HIV testing services through the Patient Provider Support Agency (PPSA)



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According to Guidance Document on Partnerships, PPSA can be hired to offer HIV counselling, testing and treatment linkage services.






According to Guidance Document on Partnerships, PPSA can be hired to offer HIV counselling, testing and treatment linkage services.




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