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  • Jan Andolan

    Learning Objectives

    To understand the concept and process of Jan Andolan and its role in TB care 


Jan Andolan

“The fight against TB needs to be made into a Jan Andolan, a people’s movement”. 

The Jan Andolan envisages to an intensive and sustained campaign of reaching out to the population at large with focus on facilitating improved active/passive case finding efforts for early diagnosis, prompt treatment initiation, extending direct benefit transfer to patient/ provider and ensuring successful treatment across the public and private sectors.    

In “Jan Andolan”, an effective communication strategy is needed which would focus on reaching the maximum population.

The communication interventions will be in close coordination and lock step with on-ground delivery and implementation in the states, to ensure delivery impact. 

It will be complemented with 

1.Preventive, diagnostic and curative aspects of TB management 

2.Work towards demand generation

3.Multi-sectoral engagement 

4.Ensuring regular high visibility mass-media coverage 

5.Focus on community ownership and mobilization.

There is also a need to address stigma in a huge way as it is one of the biggest barriers and hinders people from coming forward for reporting the diseases and availing of the treatment.

To mitigate the impact of Covid -19 on the efforts towards ending TB, in addition to the routine calendared IEC/ACSM activities planned in States/UTs, the Central TB Division, MoH & FW had identified thematic areas for each month and planned intensified activities to be conducted at State and District/Facility levels.  



State Level Activity

Orienting Elected Representatives

Orientation of MLAs on TB

World TB Day

World TB Day Event and Activities 

 Conference for PRI orientation of District/ Zilla Parishads on Roles & Responsibilities 

Special TB Screening Camps and audio announcements at all major public places like Railway Stations / Bus Stands etc. 

Branding with messages to create awareness on TB at the venues of: - Ganga Aarti (Haridwar, Rishikesh, Banaras) - Kumbh Mela, and   - Similar places of congregation

Engaging Communities through   AB-H&WCs

Orientation on TB of CHOs of H&WCs 

Conference for PRI orientation of Block/Mandal Parishads on Roles & Responsibilities

TB Free Workplaces

Roundtables with local Corporates/ Industries 

Media Workshop with Health Journalists 


TB & Women

Conference of District TB Forums on TB & Women

Engaging Religious Leaders & PRIs 


Orientation of Religious Leaders & Heads of FBOs

TB Prevention & Lung Health 


Review cum Orientation workshop on TB for all District Magistrates by ACS/PS(H) 

Talk shows on Radio and TV

TB & Nutrition 


Talk Shows and Op-Eds on Importance of Nutrition in TB Prevention & Treatment and Nikshay Poshan Yojna by subject experts on Regional Media 

Campaign on NPY DBT payments and seeding of bank accounts

Engaging Children & Youth 


Best School Competition – TB & Tobacco Free School (Criteria based certification of schools) 

TB Campaign 


Implementation of National ACF campaign in all districts

IEC display, Hoardings & Banners and Audio announcements in Railway Stations, Trains/Metro Trains, / stations Auto/ E-Rickshaw/ Bus/ Bus Shelter branding with TB messages

Stigma Mitigation 


Listen to the Voices - Conference of TB Champions (sharing their experiences and expectations) 

 Stigma & Discrimination Free Workplaces Pledge by all members of State Chapters of Industry Associations like CII, ASSOCHAM, FICCI etc. 



District/ Facility Level Activity

Orienting Elected Representatives

Disha Review Meeting on TB by District Magistrates under the chair of local elected representative 


World TB Day

World TB Day events at all District HQs 

 Community sensitization on TB at Health & Wellness Centers

Engaging Communities through   AB-H&WCs

Observation of Nikshay Divas at H&WCs 

Orientation of community members by CHOs on signs, symptoms, treatment, support, care, nutrition, services, infection control, treatment adherence and completion 

Sharing of experience by TB Champions 

Playing of Audio messages/ Short Video (where possible) 

Display of IEC material & Distribution of flyers on TB

TB Free Workplaces

Special TB Screening camps in factories/ manufacturing units/ workshops 

Display and distribution of IEC material

TB & Women

Special Screening Camps for TB in Pregnant Women under Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) – 9th of June 

Orient SHGs in all Anganwadi Centers on signs, symptoms, treatment, support, care, nutrition, services, infection control, treatment adherence and completion 

Special Screening Camps for TB in Adolescent Girls under Adolescent Reproductive & Sexual Health Programme (ARSH)

Playing of Audio messages/ Short Video (where possible); Display of IEC material on TB; Distribution of flyers on TB

Engaging Religious Leaders & PRIs 


(Previously oriented) Mandal/ Block PRIs to conduct “Nikshay Gram Sabhas” simultaneously at all Gram Panchayats 

Playing of Audio messages/ Short Video (where possible); Display of IEC material on TB; Distribution of flyers on TB 

Conclude with “Nikshay Shapath” oath taking ceremony

TB Prevention & Lung Health 


Special drive for Contact Tracing and TB Preventive Interventions for household contacts of Index TB cases 

Screening camps at all high footfall areas in all slums and migrant pockets supported by appropriate IEC material display/ distribution 

TB & Nutrition 


Local WCD Department to sensitize communities during Poshan Maah on the importance of nutrition in TB prevention with support from CSOs, NGOs, SHGs, VHSNCs and CBOs 

Sessions at village level/ Aganwadi Centre 

Community Radio campaign at district level

Orientation of school-teachers by district health authorities on importance of nutrition in TB prevention 

Essay competition in schools 

Orientation of community members by CHOs on importance of nutrition in TB prevention at H&WCs 

Sharing of experience by TB Champions 

Playing of Audio messages/ Short Video (where possible) 

Display & Distribution IEC material on TB 

Engaging Children & Youth 


Quiz and Debates on TB in all Red Ribbon Clubs 

Awareness generation on signs/ symptoms/ services in communities by RRC members 

IEC display at all college/ university campuses 

Project/ Assignment on TB for all school children and college students 

TB Camps 


Screening camps at all high footfall areas in States supported by appropriate IEC material display/ distribution covering all Municipal Councils and Nagar Panchayats in partnership with Clubs like Lions/ Rotary etc.

Stigma Mitigation 


Stigma Mitigation Campaign led by the DM in all public and private workplaces. Workplaces to have a sensitization session with their workforce ending with a pledge towards a stigma and discrimination free workplace. 

All Lions/Rotary Clubs to organize community sensitization and pledge taking events 


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