
AIC    Air-borne Infection Control
CSR    Corporate Social Responsibility
CTD    Central Tuberculosis Division
CTP    Corporate TB Pledge
DTC    District Tuberculosis Centre
DTO    District Tuberculosis Officer
DTC    District Tuberculosis Cell
ELM    Employer Led Model
HIV    Human Immunodeficiency Virus
IEC    Information, Education and Communication
ILO    International Labour Organization
LTBI    Latent Tuberculosis Infection
MOLE    Ministry of Labour & Employment
MoU    Memorandum of Understanding MoHFW    Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
NCEUS    National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector NGO    Non-Government Organization
NTEP    National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme OSH    Occupational Safety and Health
PHI    Peripheral Health Institute
PSU    Public Sector Undertakings
PSE    Public Sector Enterprises
STC    State Tuberculosis Cell
STO    State Tuberculosis Officer
TPT    Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment
TB    Tuberculosis
The Union    International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease USAID    U.S. Agency for International Development
WHO    World Health Organization