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The entire workforce needs to be sensitized on the organization’s commitment to make the workplace TB Free and policy/guidelines related to it. Awareness Messages need to focus on: 

a) Organization's commitment to End TB in the workplace 

b) Cough etiquettes and respiratory hygiene to be followed to prevent TB and other respiratory infections. 

c) Symptoms and diagnosis of TB 

d) Facilities for diagnosis and treatment of TB 

e) Government Schemes available for workers affected with TB

Information Education Communication (IEC) activities for awareness generation could be done through posters on TB at strategic locations, health talks on TB, periodic health & wellness sessions, broadcasting messages on TB through internal Audio-Visual systems and propagating messages through social media groups.

Proper Branding of workplace interventions for ending TB will have significant impact in mobilisation of workers towards adopting healthy behaviours. This can include adopting an overarching theme such as ‘Ending TB: We are working towards it! 

The TB Free Workplace theme may be adapted by workplaces themselves through consultations and then displayed in strategic locations of the workplace to inspire action and implementation of the workplan.

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