Competencies of the Lab Technician (LT)

Conduct laboratory tests for TB
  • Perform laboratory tests like AFB smear microscopy(ZN, FM), and NAAT (CBNAAT/ TruNAAT) as per NTEP guidelines
  • Receive the sample in Ni-kshay/LIMS
  • Record the test results in Ni-kshay/ LIMS
1. Direct observation of LT performing the tests
2. Assess as a part of QA (OSE/RBRC) results
Educate the individuals on collecting good quality sputum
  • Educate the clients on how to collect good quality sputum (where to collect, quantity desired, when to collect and how to collect)  
1. Observe the demonstration by the LT where they educate people on the process of collecting good quality sputum.
Suggest appropriate tests to eligible individuals to detect TB/DR-TB/TBI
  • Encourage bi-directional screening for TB among high risk individuals like people living with HIV, diabetes, COVID-19, etc.
  • Identify presumptive TB , Presumptive DR-TB
  • Identify individuals eligible for TBI testing
  • Suggest NAAT/LPA/CDST to people diagnosed with TB to detect DR-TB based on diagnostic algorithm 
  • Suggest appropriate diagnostic tests, based on diagnostic algorithm
  • Request for Test through Ni-kshay  
1. Interview with LT to identify the current practices
2. Observe the actual process while being in lab
Communicate the results properly to the beneficiaries
  • Communicate results properly to the health team -Communicate results properly to the person underwent the test
1. Interview with medical officer & STS to check the communication skill of LT
Pack the samples with triple layer and co-ordinate transportation to referral laboratories
  • Perform triple layer packing, labelling and coordinate transportation of samples
1. Observe the packing process while being at laboratory
2. Interview with referral laboratory to check the quality of packing done by the particular LT
Co-ordinate for making a diagnosis and initiating a person diagnosed with TB on treatment
  • Coordinate with medical officer to establish the diagnosis of TB 
  • Coordinate with STS to initiate prescribed regimen of TB treatment.
1. Interview with LT to identify the current practices
2. Interview with MO and STS to check LT's ability in coordination
Train paramedical staff/ community volunteers on sample collection, packaging and transport of sputum samples.
  • Train paramedical staff/ community volunteers on sample collection, packaging and transport of sputa samples.
1. Interview with volunteers to check LT's ability to train
Follow Standard Infection control Procedures, and Dispose off the laboratory waste as per bio-medical waste management protocols
  • Adherence to infection control procedures (handwashing, glove use, use of PPE, airborne infection control practices, etc)
  • Ensure proper segregation, appropriate use of disinfectants, processing and disposal of lab waste material as per BMW management protocols
1. Direct observation of practices during duties, (good laboratory practices)
2. check methods of BMW management in laboratory
Raise the request for laboratory consumable stock replenishment
  • Monitor consumption trends and reagents/ supplies stock nearing expiry 
  • Coordinate with STLS for raising refill request.
  • Update stock register/ indent register
1. Review of indents
Receive the lab consumable stock to designated TB detection center (TDC)
  • Carefully review issue voucher from STLS for details of supplies, expiry, etc.
  • Follow First Expiry First Out (FEFO) principle while stocking and using the reagent/ consumable stocks, 
  • Update the relevant records 
1. Review stock register in Ni-kshay Aushadhi
Maintain reports and registers as per NTEP requirements
  • Update in Ni-kshay details of beneficiaries who underwent testing 
  • Download and maintain laboratory register from Ni-kshay
  • Maintain Quality Control Records(QCP/QCN checking records)
1. Check Ni-kshay Test records and extracted Laboratory Register for correctness, completeness and timeliness
Appropriately store consumables, slides, samples and equipment
  • Maintenance of Microscope/ CBNAAT/ TruNaat
  • Slide storage for QA
  • Storage of Biological specimen