Competencies of the Program Managers (PM)

The following competencies are important to a PM 

Competency Description/ activities pertaining to the said competency  Assessment of competency
Prepare plans for TB Elimination
  • Prepare the annual PIP and budget of the district 
  • Identify interventions/solutions to local problems 
  • Prepare proposals for newer interventions 
    Locally adapt the strategies of the NSP toward TB Elimination to the district/ state
  • Plan interventions to implement activities as per RoP
1. Verify PIP and District Specific strategic plans
2. Interview with the program manager to identify the current practices regarding planning
Monitor NTEP performances 
  • Use Ni-kshay dashboard to monitor the program 
  • Compare the key performance indicators against expected and interpret
  • Do time, place, person analysis and identify areas needing improvement in performance
  • Perform root cause analysis with an intention to solve the identified issues
  • Provide timely and actionable feedback to lower administrative units and staff
  • Priorities themes and finalize agenda based for review meetings based on monitoring
  • Conduct regular review meetings in a consultative mode to identify and solve issues
  • Support staff in taking recommended actions and monitor the change in program performance due to the action
  • Take actions and submit action taken reports to feedbacks received from state/national level
1. Verify action oriented feedbacks provided by the program manager
2. Verify Minutes of review meeting to check the quality of review
3. Interview with the program manager to identify the current practices regarding monitoring
Perform Supportive Supervision
  • Priorities geographies and themes for supervision based on monitoring 
  • Conduct supportive supervision to TB Detection Centers, health facilities, patient and staff interviews
  • Conduct supportive supervision with an intention to solve problems, build capacity of staff and motivate them
1. Verify Supervisory reports to check the quality of supervisory visits
2. Interview with the program manager to understand the current practices
Mange supply chain and logistics
  • Manage procurements of supplies and timely availability of optimum stocks of drugs and consumables 
  • Manage logistics– managing stocks, requisitions, vendor and contract Management.
1. Interview with the program manager to understand current practices
2. Verify records, Ni-kshay aushadhi to check whether supply chain and logistics management are as per norms
Solve problems and improve the qulaity of program
  • Manage the program performance for high quality services and optimal performance around all NTEP Operations (such as Case Finding, Treatment, 
    Public Health Action, DRTB, TPT, etc)
  • Define the problem, understand its root cause and prepare a plan for solving problems of under achievement
  • Implement the solution
  • Document the changes
  • Adopt/adapt/abandon the changes and scale up the solutions 
  • Respond to Programmatic feedback from higher levels 
1. Check documents for number of problems systematically solved by the program manager

Manage Human Resources 
  • Conduct training needs assessment and planning of trainings
  • Train staff such as Medical Officers, Health Volunteers, CHO, MPHW, Civil Society Representatives 
1. Review training plan and training reports
2. Interview with staff to check manger's ability to train
Perform DBT Checker functions
  • Perform checker functions on Ni-Kshay modules and ensure DBT payment disbursals
1. Review DBT reports
2. Interview with the DTO to understand the current practices
Manage Finances
  • Make expenditure as per RoP
  • Monitor expenditure against RoP
  • Document expenditure as per guidelines
1. Review SOEs, account book, PFMS and check whether the program manager is able to perform this function as expected
2. Interview with the program manager to understand the current practices
Advocacte for securing resources and commitment for TB Elimination activities
  • Advocate with District Administration and District health administration, NHM to secure resources and commitment for Ending TB
  • Advocate with other line departments and other sectors (private, NGOs) to commit them for ending TB including use of CSR
  • Conduct meetings like DRTB Center committee, Medical College Core-committee, District TB Forum, District TB Co-morbidity committee and discuss the desired changes with related to TB Program and achieve the same.
1. Check for any results of advocacy in terms of commitment from District Administration, District Health Administration, engagement of community
2. Discuss with CMO/DMHO to check the DTO's ability to advocate
Engage Public(General Health System) and Private Healthcare Sector for TB Care
  • Identify and map key providers (private hospitals, medical colleges, Government HFs, Private practitioners, AYUSH, chemists, traditional healers, laboratories) for engagement
  • Advocate with all private providers for following Standards of TB Care in India and with General Health System to follow latest NTEP Guidelines.
  • Support the providers in ensuring STCI to their clients by providing information, providing drugs diagnostics and public health actions based on need
  • Strengthen surveillance by ensuring timely notification and outcome data from private sector
  • Identify patients not notified and their providers through information from Schedule H1
  • Co-ordinate with agencies working for private sector engagement to achieve the expected outcome
  • Liase with professional organizations like IMA, IAP, AHPI ect for engaging their members in NTEP activities
1. Interview with private providers, Drug Inspector, Association leaders to check program manager's ability to engage them
2. Interview with program manger for understanding the current practices
Engage Community for Ending TB 
  • Maintain a data base of TB Champions -Train TB Champions
  • Ensure their voices are heard in all important meetings
  • Discuss TB in all district level meetings and appeal for inclusion of TB case finding and stigma alleviation activities to be integrated in general health related outreach activities 
1. Interview with PRI leaders, civil society leaders, TB Champions and the staff.
2. Review of documents of community engagement activities