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  • Estimation of adult BCG vaccine requirement

    Learning Objectives

    Participants will learn how to accurately estimate the requirement for adult BCG vaccines by:

    1. Calculating the necessary quantities of vaccines and associated logistics, taking into account expected wastage rates.

Since, Adult BCG vaccine will be given in campaign mode, strong mobilization efforts should be taken to vaccinate all eligible individuals in stipulated time period with minimal vaccine wastage. 

In campaign mode, estimated vaccine wastage would be maximum 10% with Waste Multiplication Factor (WMF) as 1.11. 

The requirement of Adult BCG vaccine and diluents would be: 

  • Adult BCG doses (in number) = Target for adult BCG * 1 dose* 1.11 (WMF) 
  • Adult BCG vials (in number) = Adult BCG doses/10 (for a vial containing 10 doses) 
  • Adult BCG diluent ampoules (in number) = Adult BCG vials (in number) 
  • Example: To inoculate 70 eligible adults, BCG dose requirement would be 70 X 1 X 1.11 = 77.7 doses ie 8 vials of vaccine and diluents

It should be ensured that the stocks of BCG vaccine, diluent, and other logistics to be used under Adult BCG vaccination and UIP are kept separate at all stores and never mixed

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