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During the campaign, ASHAs will visit each household of individuals diagnosed with TB. They will screen all household members for TB symptoms. All symptomatic individuals are to be mobilized for x-ray screening.

For those showing symptoms or X-ray abnormalities, ASHA will counsel them on the importance of sputum sample collection. ASHA will then explain the correct method for providing a quality sample, and demonstrate if needed.  spot sputum sample will be collected and the individual will be informed of a morning sample.
Once collected, ASHA will ensure the sputum samples are safely transported to the nearest diagnostic center for testing.

ASHA will Arrange visits for all Household contacts to the AAM for screening and TB infection testing (as applicable)

Throughout the campaign, ASHAs will be responsible for visiting and supporting all individuals diagnosed with TB and initiating them on treatment, whereas Will initiate those eligible for TB preventive therapy will be initiated on TPT after ruling out active TB infection

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