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Risk assessment is the process that enables the appropriate selection of microbiological practices, safety equipment, and facility safeguards that can prevent laboratory-associated infections (LAIs). 


The figure below shows a flowchart that presents the risk assessment process for a biological hazard.


Figure: Risk assessment process for a biological hazard



Risk assessments for TB laboratories should consider:

  • Bacterial load of materials (such as specimens and cultures)
  • Viability of the bacilli
  • Whether the material handled is prone to generate infectious aerosols during different procedures
  • Laboratory’s workload and procedures; it is important that laboratories working with drug resistant strains should establish higher level precautions and biosafety measures
  • Epidemiology of the disease and the patient population served by the laboratory
  • Health/immune status of laboratory workers
  • Experience and competency of laboratory staff in using good laboratory practices while handling infectious agents
  • Equipment biosafety features required to prevent spill/breakage/aerosol generation when handling potentially infectious material
  • Maintenance of equipment
  • Biomedical waste management





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