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Forecasting is a technique of predicting the future based on the results of previous data. It involves a detailed analysis of past and present trends or events to predict future events. It uses statistical tools and techniques. Therefore, it is also called Statistical analysis. Forecasting acts as a planning tool that helps to get ready for the uncertainty that can occur in the future. 

Forecasting begins with management's experience and knowledge sharing.  

Significance of Forecasting:

  • Provides reliable and relevant information about the present and past trends and future predictions that help in planning better.

  • Gives the confidence to take important decisions.

  • Helps in the handling of uncertainty efficiently

  • Optimal utilization

  • Managing stock out or surplus stocks

  • Helps in managing short expiry

  • Minimise Risk of Expiry

  • Helps in making the best managerial decisions





Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
How often is the quantification process in undertaken at the central level? Monthly Quarterly Annually Half-yearly 3 As per the current Standard Operating Procedure Manual of Procurement & Supply Chain Management, Central TB Division, the quantification process in done on annual basis at the central level. Yes Yes

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