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There are two types of monthly Patient Wise Boxes (PWB) issued to the TB patients.

1) Type A: Contains oral drugs that are used for treatment during both the Intensive Phase (IP) and Continuation Phase (CP).

2) Type B: Contains injectables which are prescribed for Intensive Phase (IP) only

Based on the regimen and weight band of the patients , PWB are prepared and issued to the patients.

Contents of PWB

  1. PWB for Shorter Oral Bedaquiline-containing MDR/RR-TB Regimen: Constitutes both Type A and Type B box
Type A box   Use in Intensive Phase (IP) as well as Continuation Phase (CP)
Drugs Strength 16-29 kg 30-45 kg 46-70 kg >70 kg
Tab. Levofloxacin* 250/ 500 mg 250 mg *30 tab 250 mg *30 tab + 500 mg *30 tab 500 mg *60 tab 500 mg *60 tab
Tab. Clofazimine 50/ 100 mg 50 mg *30 tab 100 mg *30 tab 100 mg *20 tab 100 mg *60 tab
Tab. Ethambutol 400/ 800 mg 400 mg *30 tab 800 mg *30 tab 400 mg *30 tab + 800 mg *30 tab 600 mg *60 tab
Tab. Pyrazinamide 500/ 750 mg 750 mg *30 tab 500 mg *30 tab + 750 mg *30 tab 500 mg *60 tab + 750 mg *30 tab 500 mg *30 tab + 750 mg *60 tab
Tab. Pyridoxine 50/100 mg 50 mg *30 tab 100 mg *30 tab 100 mg *30 tab 100 mg *30 tab

* When moxifloxacin is prescribed under exceptional conditions instead of levofloxacin, the modified box with moxifloxacin (normal dose) can be prepared from the standard box at DDS.

Type B box   Use in IP
Drugs Strength 16-29 kg 30-45 kg 46-70 kg >70 kg
Tab. Isoniazid 100/ 300 mg 300 mg *30 tab 300 mg *60 tab 300 mg *90 tab 300 mg *90 tab
Tab. Ethionamide 125/ 250 mg 125 mg *30 tab + 250 mg *30 tab 250 mg *60 tab 250 mg *90 tab 250 mg *120 tab
Bedaquiline bottle 100 mg  Jar of 188 tablets for full course
  1. PWB for Shorter Injectable-containing Regimen: Constitutes both Type A and Type B box
Type A box   Use in Intensive Phase (IP) as well as Continuation Phase (CP)
Drugs Strength 16-29 kg 30-45 kg 46-70 kg >70 kg
Tab. Moxifloxacin-High Dose 400 / 800 mg 400 mg *30 tab 400 mg *30 tab 400 mg *60 tab 400 mg *60 tab
Tab. Clofazimine 50/ 100 mg 50 mg *30 tab 100 mg *30 tab 100 mg *20 tab 100 mg *60 tab
Tab. Ethambutol 400/ 800 mg 400 mg *30 tab 800 mg *30 tab 400 mg *30 tab + 800 mg *30 tab 600 mg *60 tab
Tab. Pyrazinamide 500/ 750 mg 750 mg *30 tab 500 mg *30 tab + 750 mg *30 tab 500 mg *60 tab + 750 mg *30 tab 500 mg *30 tab + 750 mg *60 tab
Tab. Pyridoxine 50/100 mg 50 mg *30 tab 100 mg *30 tab 100 mg *30 tab 100 mg *30 tab
Type B box   Use in IP
Drugs Strength 16-29 kg 30-45 kg 46-70 kg >70 kg
Inj. Kanamycin 15mg/kg/day 500 mg *24 inj. 750 mg * 24 inj. 750 mg *24 inj. 1000 mg *24 inj.
Tab. Isoniazid-high dose 100/ 300 mg 300 mg *30 tab 300 mg *60 tab 300 mg *90 tab 300 mg *90 tab
Tab. Ethionamide 125/ 250 mg 125 mg *30 tab + 250 mg *30 tab 250 mg *60 tab 250 mg *90 tab 250 mg *120 tab


  1. PWB for Longer Oral M/XDR-TB Regimen : Constitutes only Type A box as there is no separate IP/CP under this regimen
Standard PWB   Continue till Complete Treatment
Drugs Strength 16-29 kg 30-45 kg 46-70 kg >70 kg
Tab. Levofloxacin 250 / 500 mg 250 mg *30 tab 500 mg *30 tab + 250 mg *30 tab  500 mg *60 tab  500 mg *60 tab
Tab. Linezolid# 600 mg 600 mg *30 tab# 600 mg *30 tab  600 mg *30 tab  600 mg *30 tab
Tab. Clofazimine 50/ 100 mg 50 mg *30 tab 100 mg *30 tab  100 mg *30 tab  100 mg *30 tab
Tab. Cycloserine 250 mg 250 mg *30 tab  250 mg *60 tab  250 mg *90 tab   250 mg *120 tab
Tab. Pyridoxine 50/100 mg 50 mg *30 tab 50 mg *30 tab  50 mg *30 tab  50 mg *30 tab
Bedaquiline bottle 100 mg  1 Jar (Jar of 188 tablets for full course)

# Tab. Linezolid available in 600 mg only. When prescribed with modified dose of 300 mg Once Daily (OD), patient should be advised to divide the pill in half.

  1.  PWB for H-mono/poly DR-TB Regimen: Constitutes only Type A box as there is no separate IP/CP under this regimen
Standard PWB   Continue till complete treatment
Drugs Strength 16-29 kg 30-45 kg 46-70 kg >70 kg
Tab. Levofloxacin 250/ 500 mg 250 mg *180 tab 250 mg *180 tab + 500 mg *180 tab 500 mg *360 tab 500 mg *360 tab
Tab. Rifampicin  150/ 300/ 450 mg 300 mg *180 tab 450 mg *180 tab  300 mg *360 tab 300 mg *360 tab + 150 mg *180 tab
Tab. Ethambutol 400/ 800 mg 400 mg *180 tab 800 mg *180 tab  400 mg *180 tab + 800 mg *180 tab 800 mg * 360 tab
Tab. Pyrazinamide  500/ 750 mg 50 mg *180 tab 7750 mg *180 tab + 500 mg *180 tab 750 mg *180 tab + 500 mg *360 tab 750 mg *360 tab + 500 mg *180 tab
Tab. Pyridoxine 50/100 mg 50 mg *180 tab  100 mg *180 tab 100 mg *180 tab 100 mg*180 tab

In comparison to other DR-TB regimens, a full treatment course should be prepared for the entire duration of 6 months.





Question     Answer 1     Answer 2     Answer 3     Answer 4     Correct answer     Correct explanation     Page id     Part of Pre-test     Part of Post-test    
Which type of drug box is issued to the patient on all oral H-mono/ poly regimen? Type A Type B Type A & Type B Type C 1 A patient initiated on all oral H-mono/poly DR-TB regimen will receive the monthly type A box.      Yes  Yes

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