
One of the core responsibilities of STDCs is to ensure that the health system is trained in delivering TB services and managing the program effectively. In order to ensure adequate skill set for delivering high quality TB care on a continual basis, the staff may require to be trained in-depth at the time of induction into the system, and provided with updates as and when necessary. A proportion of them may also need to be re-trained either periodically or based on their performance gaps/ competencies. 

The STDC needs to directly execute training activities at the state level and also coordinate the execution of all the trainings of staff and trainers at the level of district and below. They may deliver training for three purposes as below.

  • Induction Training: All the freshly recruited  staff in the health system and deputed/ transferred into NTEP will require induction training in NTEP. Different categories of NTEP and General Health System staff have to be trained as per the relevant course curriculum (Modules/ hands-on training/ other guidelines) prescribed by NTEP for the respective cadre. 
  • Update Training: This training should be provided as and when there is a change in program guidelines or new operational processes are being introduced. For this purpose it is preferrable that all such newer initiatives may be compiled as fresh modules for the respective cadre and later integrated into the existing course at national level when they are revised.
  • Refresher training:  It is offered to the already trained officials either on their request or the official was trained long back and the supervisor or the official feels the need of training. Duration of this training will be similar to induction training. Those who were already trained, but were outside the program for a significant period of time may also need to get a refresher training.
  • Re-training: It is similar to Induction training for all the officials when a large sweeping change are adopted in the program and the entire operational aspect is thoroughly changed or if an official needs to be retrained as per the assessment of the supervisor/ supervisory team.

The STDCs are required to train the trainers for all cadres in NTEP and facilitate and monitor cascade training for other staff at all levels of the health system in the state.