
    1. Planning: 
      1. There is a need for a standardized training plan for each type of training – induction, update, refresher, and re-training as per the actual needs of the state. This requires the ready availability of updated information of all potential staff (including general health system and private sector) and their training status.
      2. Cadre wise training requirements needs to be clearly outlined; including the time, duration, resource person, and modes of training and should be considered in the planning.
    2. Implementation: 
      1. STDC needs to adopt a blended training approach with a fine balance between physical (in-person) trainings and virtual (remote) trainings.
      2. The training content needs to be revised utilizing newer technology and multimedia and should be built based on adult learning principles.
      3. For peripheral field staff and volunteers, the training content should be translated to necessary local languages. 
    3. Facilitators and resource persons: 
      1. There needs to be definitions of a Trainer for each cadre at a program level.
      2. State should maintain updated information of all qualified trainers so that they can be used to plan and execute training smoothly.
      3. Based on the definitions provided, STDCs need to expand the pool of resource persons with representation from STC, general health system, medical colleges, development partners, and private sector. 
    4. Monitoring: 
      1. A standard set of training performance indicators may be developed and used for monitoring in a standard way. The indicator needs to consider the actual load of training existing in the state.
      2. STDCs need to maintain individual level updated training status information of all its potential staff. This information may be used to calculate the standard training performance indicators.
    5. Health System Integration: STDCs need to ensure training of the general state health system, wider NHM staff and private providers. They need to integrate NTEP training with respective SIHFWs at the state level and also with other government and private agencies. It is essential to look for opportunities to work in coordination with other stakeholders especially medical colleges and private practitioners and continue to innovate based on state needs.