
Ensuring that the health system is trained in delivering TB services and program management is one of the core responsibilities of STDCs. They may deliver training for three purposes as below.

  • Induction Training: All the freshly recruited staff in the health system will require induction training in NTEP. Entire Course provided by NTEP for the cadre should be used for training. 
  • Update Training: This type of training is initiated by Central TB Division(CTD), when there is either change in program operations or new operational processes are being introduced in the program. The updates, depending upon impact in operational areas may be prepared as single modules or incorporated in several areas in the Course for the cadre. the course/ module to used for update training would be communicated by CTD.
  • Re-training: Trained staff will be periodically assessed by appropriate supervisors on specific competencies related to that staff designation. If the staff does not pass certain competency assessments and may be judged to require retraining on the corresponding program operations. In these cases the staff needs to complete the training modules related the same.

The STDCs are required to train the trainers for all cadres in NTEP and coordinate all types of training in NTEP. This involves the following:

  1. Planning: 
    1. Maintain updated information/ database of all potential staff (including general health system and private sector), trainers (along with the cadre they are qualified to train), and details of training infrastructure and equipment.
    2. Based on the training gap analysis using the database, prepare annual training plans of various types such as induction, update and re-training as per the needs of the state.
    3. Based on standard training guidelines issued by CTD, identify the quantity and type of training resources required at all levels and include this in the annual PIP.
  2. Execution: 
    1. Secure and arrange resources based on the plan including trainers, training venue, materials and necessary equipment.
    2. Ensure that the training is executed and quality assured as per the Training guidelines issued by CTD for all cadres.
    3. Support the necessary local language translation of the training content incases of peripheral field staff and volunteers.
    4. Ad hoc training: Based on any shortfall of any training against plan or based on any update training requirements as conveyed by CTD any additional training need to be executed by the STDC. 
  3. Monitoring and linked action: 
    1. Monitor the execution of the annual training plan in terms of the number of batches completed and the number of personnel successfully trained.
    2. Take action for trainees that were unable to successfully complete training, by including them in the next available batch.
    3. At the end of each year before the next year's planning, evaluate the annual plan against the actual training load of the state and ensure that the subsequent year's training plan has accounted for any gap.

Further details of the above are discussed in the subsequent sections.