Supervision Monitoring and Evaluation

  1.  SME should be established as a core function of the STDCs with support from STCs and overall lead activities in this area.
    1. Designated nodal personnel (Medical officers, Epidemiologists, Statistician, Nikshay Operator,) should be made accountable for regularly accessing data available from Nikshay and other program information sources. They should also be involved in preparing analyses and program performance updates and reports for presentations during review meetings.
    2. Dedicated access to Nikshay: STDCs should facilitate the state-level review of NTEP with necessary feedback based on the analysis of the Nikshay data and other reports under the program. STDC’s capacity for use of Nikshay and data analysis should be facilitated at the national level. 
    3. Data quality assurance in Nikshay and other information systems should be a key function of STDC.
    4. They should regularly provide performance feedback to districts and monitor action taken. This may be based on observations during ongoing monitoring of Nikshay data, supervisory visits, periodic evaluations and review meetings.

STDCs should take lead in organizing and executing internal evaluations in co-ordination with the STC.