TB Surveillance

It is pertinent to have a clear understanding of the Epidemiology of TB in the state in terms of its burden (incidence and mortality rates) and its trends, identification of vulnerable papulations, hot-spots of transmission of TB particularly of drug resistant TB, etc. The STDCs are expected to play a lead role in surveillance, by: -  

  1. Ensuring correctness, completeness and timliness of Ni-kshay data and other program data at all levels through day to day monitoring and necessary hand-holding.
  2. Periodic analysis of available data.
  3. Collection and analysis of: a) Drug sales data b) Schedule H1 data
  4. Mathematical modelling in collaboration with domain experts to forecast resource requirements, predict impact of specific interventions etc.
  5. Collect additional information, to understand/ estimate the time place and person changes in the burden of TB by undertaking surveys.
  6. Dissemination of the analytics at all levels within the state and outside the state.                 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​For performing the tasks STDCs may form partnerships with Community Medicine Dept. of Medical Colleges, Public Health Institutes and Mathematics department of science Colleges including IIT & IIM. Epidemiologist will be the nodal person responsible for the activity.