Support State and District TB program implementation Planning (PIP)

STDCs need to technically support STCs in finalizing the activities for PIP. STDCs should support districts and state in identification of the priority activities to be included in PIP.  Following activities are expected from STDC in this regard

  • Sensitizing and mentoring districts: STDCs should support STCs in sensitizing the districts regarding the PIP process in a workshop mode well in advance and mentor the districts for planning their PIP. 
  • Gap Analysis: Through analysis of the existing data and observations from the supervisory visits and evaluation, a district wise gap analysis need to be prepared. Gap analysis should highlight what are the major program gaps in each district. 
  • Identification of priority activities: Based on gap analysis, STDCs need to help the districts and state to identify the priority activities for each district and state that need to be included in the PIP.   
  • Inclusion of priority activities PIP: STDCs need to technically support districts and STCs to include priority activity in PIP, build proper justification for the initiatives included and develop proper plan for each activities with number of beneficiaries and expected outcomes.

Medical Officer (SM&E) will be the nodal person responsible for the activity.