Training Execution

Based on the resources made available as per the plan the STDC needs to either directly execute or co-ordinate the execution of the all training of staff and trainers in the state.

  • The training may be divided based on the entity (STDC, DTO, National institutes) conducting the training. Training of program managers(DTO, MOTC), training of core NTEP staff (STS, STLS, DPC, NAAT LTs etc.), and training of all trainers in the state will be directly executed by the STDC.
  • Training of staff of the general health system, Microscopy-LTs private sector staff, health volunteers would be executed by the DTO.
  • Some specialized training (eg. training of CDST- Sr.LTs, IRL-Microbiologists), and training of the state level program managers and Trainers would be conducted by the National Institutes.

Accordingly the STDC needs to ensure the execution of the training as per the plan. 

Training directly conducted by the STDC: 

  1. Reserve corresponding training venue/ infrastructure.
  2. Ensure enrollment of corresponding trainees in individual batches
  3. Inform and confirm the availability of facilitators 

Training conducted by Districts/ sub-district

  1. Instruct district to conduct the training
  2. co-ordinate with the district to execute the training by them

Training to be conducted by the National Institutes 

  1. Request linked National Institute to conduct training of trainers, training of state level program managers/ STDC staff as needed.
  2. Co-ordinate with the National institute to enroll relevant trainers in upcoming TOT batches.
  3. Nominate trainers for training called by National Institutes/ CTD.