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Some issues appear at the time of DBT at the Benefit Level. 

The reasons for the rejection, along with the error code and actions to be taken, are as follows:

Error Code Reasons Action required Actions to be taken by
CPE0001 Duplicate Batch ID found Trigger email for investigation Ni-kshay
CPE0009,CBE0003, CBE0023, CBE0046 PFMS beneficiary code does not exist in the PFMS or does not correspond to provided scheme and beneficiary type Raise a ticket in Ni-kshay Help Desk by the DBT Maker/Checker Ni-kshay 
CPE0036 Beneficiary account no. does not belong to the beneficiary code and scheme. Change beneficiary status to entered and retrigger beneficiary for update in Ni-kshay DBT Maker/User
CPE0047 The beneficiary is not provided in the beneficiary type Raise a ticket in Ni-kshay Help Desk by the DBT Maker/Checker Ni-kshay 
CBE0038 Duplicate beneficiary details found in the file Edit the beneficiary details and remap DBT Maker/User
CBE0058 The beneficiary state not the same as the agency state Raise a ticket in Ni-kshay Help Desk by the DBT Maker/Checker  Ni-kshay 


Direct BeneĀ­t Transfer Manual for National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme. Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India. 


Assessment questions:


Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer3   Correct Answer Correct explanation Page id Part of Pre-test Part of Post-test
Which error code will generate for duplicate batch id? CBE0058 CBE0036 CPE0001 CPE0058 3 CPE0001 error code will generate for duplicate batch id.   Yes Yes
If the beneficiary code does not exist then, DBT Maker will update the beneficiary code. True False     False If this error occurs, then the DBT maker has to raise a ticket for this to the Ni-kshay Helpdesk. Then, the Ni-kshay Helpdesk will update the beneficiary code.   Yes Yes

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