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  1. Content Page:

    A Content Page is a unit of training content that expresses the learning objectives on a KMnode on the Knowledge map. There will be one page of training content for every KMnode in the knowledge map. The content on each page is based on technical training material / SOPs / guidelines of NTEP and may explain or demonstrate it in more detail. In addition to the training material itself, the Content Page will also have certain additional details/ materials such as 

    1. references to source documents or other credits/ acknowledgements
    2. attachments
    3. quick reference/ job aids/ posters
    4. raw editable versions of images/ graphics/ videos used in the main content.
  2. Page Types:

    Based on the type of material that is used on the Content Page, it is classified into various types. The list below is ordered in ascending based on the level of effort needed to create the page.

    1. Basic Page: These are pages that are built using simple text and images. The text and images may be based on content available in any existing guidelines/ documents/ training material, as per the needs of the learning objective on the linked KMnode. The Basic page should at least serve the needs of training delivered in an instructor led mode.
    2. Improved Basic Page: Basic Pages may be redone, to explain the concept in a better way using better graphics/ text, either by changing the way of representation (infographics), or by including examples / cases etc. This would improve the ability of the page to deliver the learning objectives to a level such that the trainee may read and understand the concept without any instructor.  
    3. Video Lecture: This type includes where the content is a video of an expert explaining the concept in his/her own words in alignment with the learning objective. The delivery of the training will rely on the expert's ability to present the content in an easily understandable way. The video may use a slide deck with a video inset of the presenter, or a writing board/ background image along with the presenter. The voice of the presenter may be scripted and subtitled along with the video.
    4. Animation: These are pages with simple animated content in a video format. This page type may be used in cases where learning objectives may be delivered better using a schematic/ moving representation of the concept as opposed to other ones. For example, simple workflows involving different locations and people over time. This type excludes animations that can be created easily by tools such as power point and recorded as a video, and is meant to classify animations that require a professional animator to create it and is often commissioned. The content creation involves multiple stages such as scripting, key frame/ scene review, draft review, and final review and approval.
    5. Video Demos: These pages contain content that are video shots of actual locations where a procedure or a protocol is demonstrated. Here too the content creation involves multiple stages such as scripting, casting, field shooting, editing, draft production review, and final review.
    6. Interaction and Games : These are pages with many different types of user interactions, such as clicking, drag & drop, text entry and so on. It uses a combination of different types of raw material to achieve a learning objective including videos/ animations/ demonstrations and narration as needed. The interaction may require the user to apply the knowledge obtained to achieve and reinforce the learning objective. It may have one start point, but may branch out into different scenarios based on user interaction, with many end-points that  may backtrack and re-join at different places. This page type may be used when the learning objectives are complex, with decisions/ judgements that need to be made. For example constituting a DR-TB Drug regimen for a given diagnostic scenario. The content creation involves multiple stages such as concept scenario design, scripting, key frame/ scene review, interaction testing, and final  review

    In cases where combinations of types are included in a page, the more complex type will be considered; for example, a video recording of an expert with an animation will be classified as an Animation.

    The page may undergo evolution / upgradation with time based on changes in the program or based on need for better content representation. The page types will assist the upgradation process. The Basic Page type is the most easiest to create and is often the first created type. Based on the material on the Basic Page, which ensures basic technical accuracy of the training content, future upgraded versions of the page may be created. 

  3. Question 

    Based on learning objectives of a page and the training content placed in it, one or more questions may be added/ linked to the page. These will serve to assess whether a trainee has acquired the necessary knowledge/ understanding expected. The questions will usually be of multiple-choice type.


The broad principles that have to be followed while developing a page are as follows:

  1. Self contained/ independent: The training content on a page should be self contained and should not be built on the context of content available on any other page or continue from another page. 
  2. Specific to learning objectives: The page should be able to deliver the learning objective without having to refer to another page and should contain only content specific to the learning objective of the knowledge map node linked to the page. There should not be any content included for the purposes of introduction or conclusion.
  3. As simple as possible: It should be possible to use any page for the training of any personnel. Hence the technical content should be explained in simple language as far as possible.
  4. Delivered in 2-3 minutes: It should be possible for the average trainee to consume the training content present on a page in 2-3 minutes.   


  1. Content Creator: These are personnel that will create content against the Knowledge Map node assigned to them. 
  2. Maintainer: The maintainer for a page is the same as the maintainer for the corresponding knowledge map node. The maintainer reviews and approves pages before it is to be published. He/she also is responsible for deciding the page type to be used while upgrading the page to a higher level page. 
  3. Trainees: All users are by default Trainees. Trainees access the page through one or the other training curriculum. They may provide feedback at the level of a page through the comments on the corresponding linked knowledge map node.


Note: Upgradation and Modification of a page will be considered as a new version of the same page, with the same unique identifier. Older versions of the page may be available at the back end of the LMS and may be accessed on special demand.

  1. Creation:
    1. The content creator assigned to a knowledge map node will create the corresponding page and its content. He/She may interact with the Maintainer to identify learning objectives, source documents as required and prepare the training content before creating the page. On page creation the status of the page will be “Pending Review”
    2. Pages that are of the status “Pending Review” will be evaluated by the maintainer of the page/ corresponding knowledge map node. The maintainer may approve or reject pages based on whether it clears the following checklist
      1. Alignment of titles- The page title and the corresponding knowledge map node should have the exact same title.
      2. Specificity of content: The page content needs to be specific to the title and the learning objectives of the corresponding linked knowledge map node. It should not convey any message that is or may be represented in another page.
      3. Content independence: The content developed on the page should not be in the context of any other page and it should convey the learning objective completely.
      4. Simplicity: Generally any learned reader should be able to read and understand/ consume the content and its learning objective without additional reference/ reading.
      5. Duration: It should be possible to consume the content by an average reader within approximately three minutes. In exceptional cases it can be longer.
      6. Questions
    3. If the page does not pass the above checklist and is rejected by the maintainer then it will be converted to the stage “Pending Modification”. It will be passed back to the content creator for addressing the comments/ reason for rejection.
    4. The page will also need to be marked as “Pending Modification” once the corresponding KM Node (Title or learning objective) is updated.
  2. Modification: Pages that are with the status “Pending Modification” may be reviewed by the content creator and he/she may make changes as per the requirement/ comments.
  3. Upgradation: A page whose content has not been performing as well as expected and there is a scope to improve the delivery of the learning objectives by using another type of page, it may be tagged for upgradation. Once a page  has been tagged for upgradation it will be available to the content creator in an upgradation queue.
  4. Translation: Certain pages after being built into courses for specific cadres who are less likely to understand English, may be tagged for translation into another regional/ local language. Once it is tagged for translation it will be available to the content creator in the Translation queue.
  5. Deletion: Page deletion only occurs when the corresponding KM node is depreciated. Such deletions may also be available on the LMS backend, but are not available for viewing.
  6. Prioritization: Individual pages depending upon the need to make available the published version it will have a certain priority value. Priority value of 10 means highest priority for content development, while 0 means least or no priority. The content creator may pick up pages from a queue for modification/ translation based on the order of priority. The maintainer of the page has the rights to set the priority of the page.