Client Education

During the pulmonary rehabilitation programme sessions, group talks should be arranged to educate the participants on the importance and benefits of the pulmonary rehabilitation programme. The information may be imparted through visuals using the LCD screen or televisions, through group talks or individual counselling. Education should focus on:

a.   TB:

  • Educate clients about TB transmission, prevention, and the importance of medication adherence including avoidance of irritants
  • Educate the clients about the possible adverse reactions to the drugs and also about the importance to inform the same to the treatment supervisors.
  • Educate them on the importance of having a balanced diet


b.   Self-Management: 

  • Teach the clients self-monitoring of symptoms, exacerbation recognition and when to contact the health care provider
  • Teach them proper use of prescribed inhalers or respiratory devices
  • Teach them technique of postural drainage in case of the post treatment sequalae
  • Educate them on hazards of smoking, drinking or tobacco consumption in any form
  • Importance of motivating oneself and encouraging them for vocational training
  • Use of meditation and yoga in daily regime