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Roles and Responsibilities of CHO 

Being the health care worker closest to the community, CHO has a very important and critical role to play in the campaign. The CHO is responsible for-

1. Preparation of AAM Sub Centre level micro plan (Refer Format no. MP_0) for the campaign by estimating:

  • the number of population residing in vulnerable areas (Migrant/ laborers area, Construction sites, Mining area, slums, tea garden area, construction sites,  etc) and in congregate settings (orphanages, old age homes, destitute homes, residential schools, etc). This may be collected directly or through ASHAs/CVs 
  • Vulnerable individuals in the sub center area based on CBAC, NCD portal, Ni-kshay, other household survey data, survey format(details collected by ASHA/community Volunteers during the campaign) in the Sub Centre area. 

2. Compiling the line-list of individuals identified with TB related vulnerabilities as prepared by ASHAs/community volunteers in the sub-centre area. (Refer Format no. MP_1 - ASHA survey format)

3. Screening of all individuals attending OPD for TB symptoms, and referral for TB testing/Chest X-ray, if found as symptomatic/ vulnerable.

4. Daily monitoring of the household survey by ASHAs/CVs for vulnerability mapping and TB symptom screening, as per the micro plan. 

5. Enrolling all presumptive TB patients identified from the OPD and from the line-list of all the identified vulnerable individuals on Ni-kshay. 

6. Referral of vulnerable individuals for chest X-ray, as per the arrangements made by the district. Display details of chest X-ray service on AAM premises. 

7. Facilitating consultation with the Medical Officer (if in-person consultation is not available, may connect through e-Sanjeevani) for initiation of TB treatment or initiation of TB Preventive treatment(after ruling out active TB)

8. Provide all necessary services for people diagnosed with TB, such as -

  • Assessment of individuals diagnosed with TB for risk for complications, comorbidities, and high risk for death, and referring for appropriate care.
  • Clinical monitoring of individuals on TB treatment or on TB Preventive Treatment.(Body Mass Index,Pulse, BP, Respiratory Rate, Oxygen Saturation, Pallor, icterus, pedal oedema) and follow the other instructions given by MO.
  • Updation of patient records on Ni-kshay, including bank account details.
  • Distribution of food baskets under PMTBMBA for patients and household contacts.
  • Counselling the people affected with TB and their family members.


9. Community awareness activities in the villages/hamlets/congregate settings etc with active support from PRI members, SHG group members, TB Champions, Anganwadi workers, Mahila Arogya Samiti, ASHA, Community Volunteers etc.

10. Support arrangement of NAAT/X-ray camp at AAM or in community (at identified Ni-kshay Shivirs, if necessary. 

11. In addition to above, to accomplish the tasks given by the MO-PHI related to the campaign.

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