Key Learnings

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The primary learning from the establishment of the STDC, Bhopal, has been the high level of commitment shown by the senior authorities in prioritizing the establishment of the STDC, Bhopal. It is evident from the interviews conducted with multiple stakeholders at the state and review of relevant government documents that the importance of establishing a proper infrastructure for STDC was a ‘felt need’ by the senior officials to establish the NTEP program and improve on the quality of the service provisioning. This was in the context that the STDC staff were operating out of the two rooms from the TB hospital prior to the establishment of the STDC infrastructure. This impacted their ability to conduct regular trainings for the NTEP staff even as the program was expanding in the state and knowledge of the TB program was growing simultaneously.

Once the vision to establish the STDC was rolled out, it is important to note that the state ensured close supervision through the medical officers who were tasked to follow up on the construction and completion of the infrastructure. The entire process from conceptualizing to the construction of the building by different departments under the overall supervision of the highest official in the state for health worked to support each other to establish this institution building. 



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“The NTEP program in Madhya Pradesh has evolved immensely over the years and the establishment of an independent STDC building has added value to the optimal functioning of the program. As the program has evolved through the years, the NTEP cadre and their functions have also changed requiring them to be trained on the latest and updated knowledge. A designated residential training centre equipped with the latest technology and infrastructure has been key in ensuring a trained NTEP staff in the state contributing towards enhance program activities and outcomes. I hope other states in the country are encouraged from the story of the establishment of STDC, Bhopal and initiate their own STDCs”.

Dr. Varsha Rai,
State TB Officer, Madhya Pradesh