ID Title Translation language Translation source Changed Translation outdated
1673 NTEP Performance Indicator – Percentage Of Multidrug-resistant (MDR)/ Rifampicin-resistant (RR) Patients Initiated on Treatment Out of Totally Diagnosed Telugu English Off
1672 Root cause analysis for low performance of Percentage of Eligible Beneficiaries Paid under Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana Telugu English Off
1671 NTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of Eligible Beneficiaries Paid Under Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana Telugu English Off
1670 Root Cause Analysis for Low Performance - Suggested Solutions - Case Studies along 4 Telugu English Off
1669 NTEP Performance Indicator - Treatment Success Rate Telugu English Off
1668 Root cause analysis for low performance of Percentage of TB Notified Cases with Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing Done Telugu English Off
1667 NTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of TB Notified Patients with Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing (UDST) Done Telugu English On
1666 Root cause analysis for low performance of Percentage of TB Notified Patients with Known HIV Status Telugu English Off
1665 NTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of TB Notified Patients with Known HIV Status Telugu English Off
1664 Root cause analysis for Low Performance in Percentage of Target TB Notification Achieved Telugu English Off
1663 NTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of Target TB Notification Achieved Telugu English Off
1662 NTEP TB Index - Indicators Telugu English Off
1682 Internal Evaluation Telugu English Off
1640 Supervision by DTO at TU level Telugu English Off
1639 Supervision by MO-TC at TU level Telugu English Off
1638 Supervisory checklist for TB Unit/ Microscopy Centre/ PHI - Health Facility Telugu English Off
884 Supportive Supervision Telugu English Off
393 Role of STS at a DMC Telugu English Off
1637 Supervision by STS Telugu English Off
1636 Concept and objectives of supervision Telugu English Off
969 ACSM activities at different levels Telugu English Off
882 Planning Process at TU level Telugu English Off
3073 Program Implementation Plan [PIP] Telugu English Off
910 Registration of Private Providers and Processing Benefits Telugu English Off
909 Troubleshooting for DBT at Maker level Telugu English Off
908 DBT reports and registers in Ni-kshay Telugu English Off
906 Financial incentives for Private Providers and Informants Telugu English Off
680 Treatment Supporter Honorarium Eligibility Telugu English Off
905 Transport Support for TB Patients in Notified Tribal Areas Telugu English Off
903 Benefit Processing in PFMS Telugu English Off
902 Action by DBT Maker/Checker in Nikshay interface Telugu English Off
901 Benefits Processing in Nikshay Telugu English Off
672 Criteria for availing DBT Scheme benefits under NPY Telugu English Off
898 Other Local DBT Schemes Telugu English Off
894 DBT Schemes in NTEP Telugu English Off
897 Stakeholders in DBT processes under NTEP Telugu English Off
2105 Nutritional Counselling Telugu English Off
669 Do's & Don'ts for Patient Communication Telugu English Off
666 Counselling of TB Patients at Various Stages of Treatment Telugu English Off
670 TB Awareness Generation in Community Telugu English Off
1628 Recording and Reporting Contact Tracing [Ni-kshay] Telugu English Off
1629 How to do contact tracing Telugu English Off
660 Contact Tracing and Investigation Telugu English Off
655 Patient Support Telugu English Off
896 PMJAY Telugu English Off
895 Free drugs and free treatment Telugu English Off
904 Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana Telugu English Off
891 Travel support for people with TB Telugu English Off
890 Support for deaddiction Telugu English Off
685 Psychosocial Support to People affected by TB Telugu English Off