ID Title Translation language Translation source Changed Translation outdated
6083 Training Content Development English Not specified Off
6082 NTEP Training and Training capacity needs English Not specified Off
6080 Comparison between Prevalence, Incidence and Notification English Not specified Off
6075 Data Quality Concepts English Not specified Off
6074 Identifying the Root cause English Not specified Off
6073 Qualitative Data Sources and data types English Not specified Off
6072 Probing During interviews English Not specified Off
6071 Conducting an interview English Not specified Off
6070 Sources of Information in a program English Not specified Off
6069 Preparing an interview Guide English Not specified Off
6068 Programmatic Information English Not specified Off
6067 Disease Surveillance English Not specified Off
6066 Monitoring English Not specified Off
6065 Logical Framework English Not specified Off
6064 Concept of Equitable Service Delivery English Not specified Off
6063 Concept of Patient Centric Care English Not specified Off
6062 Program Strategy and Strategic Planning English Not specified Off
6061 Program Structure and programmatic definitions English Not specified Off
6060 A Health Program English Not specified Off
6059 Comparison between Health program and project English Not specified Off
6058 Fundamental attributes of a program English Not specified Off
6057 Types of Programmatic Data English Not specified Off
6056 Evolution of Information Systems English Not specified Off
6055 TB Notification English Not specified Off
6054 Incidence English Not specified Off
6053 Prevalence English Not specified Off
6049 TB Treatment Outcome Indicators English Not specified Off
6044 Planning a Qualitative inquiry English Not specified Off
6043 Common qualitative inquiry techniques English Not specified Off
6041 Approaches to data analysis English Not specified Off
6040 Input, Process, Outputs, Outcome, Impact Analysis English Not specified Off
6039 When is qualitative inquiry used? English Not specified Off
6037 AoF Scenarios English Not specified Off
6036 Care cascade analysis English Not specified Off
6035 Qualitative Inquiry English Not specified Off
6034 Time Place Person analysis English Not specified Off
6033 Characteristics of a good Action in an AoF English Not specified Off
6029 5 Whys approach to root cause identification English Not specified Off
6028 Approaches to identify the root cause English Not specified Off
6027 Fishbone approach to root cause identification English Not specified Off
6026 Prioritization English Not specified Off
6025 Action oriented Feedback [AoF] English Not specified Off
6024 Characteristics of a good observation in an AoF English Not specified Off
6023 Components/ Structure of AoF English Not specified Off
6022 Acting based on the results of a PDSA English Not specified Off
6021 Studying the outputs of the PDSA English Not specified Off
6020 Recording PDSA process and outputs English Not specified Off
6019 Doing a PDSA English Not specified Off
6018 Creating an Aim Statement in a PDSA English Not specified Off
6017 Planning a PDSA English Not specified Off