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  • Need for Quality Testing and Control

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will be able to 
    - Define quality assurance
    - Discuss importance of quality assurance
    - List types of QA in NTEP and 
    - Summarise the types of QA in NTEP


Quality Assurance (QA) is a systematic process used to determine the quality standards of TB laboratories.

Poor quality diagnosis may results in failure to diagnose TB or unnecessary treatment of non-TB case. Thus an effective QA mechanism is important for reliability of laboratory diagnosis.

QA in National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP) consists of:

  • Internal Quality Control (QC)
  • External Quality Assessment (EQA)
  • Continuous Quality Improvement (QI)

QC or Internal Quality Assurance is a systematic internal monitoring of working practices, technical procedures, checking equipment, new lot of reagents, smear preparation, grading etc

EQA is a process to assess laboratory performance by comparing laboratory results with a laboratory in higher tier i.e.Intermediate Reference Laboratory (IRL)/ National Reference Laboratory (NRL) through on-site evaluation, panel testing and random blinded rechecking of slides. Figure 1 depicts an eg of on-site evaluation with roles of various stakeholders and frequency of this activity. 

Figure 1: On-site evaluation (RNTCP Laboratory Network Guidelines)


QI is continuous monitoring of laboratory performance, finding non compliance and taking remedial measures to prevent recurrence of problems




Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Correct answer Correct explanation Page id Part of Pre-test Part of Post-test
Quality Improvement mostly relies on effective on-site evaluation visits? True False     1 Quality Improvement mostly relies on effective on-site evaluation visits.   Yes Yes


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Dr. Priyadarshini Thu, 18/01/2024 - 10:22

Need for quality assurance is just a single sentence, Maybe elaborated further