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Registering a TS in Nikshay
Learning ObjectivesProcess video
Assigning a Treatment Supporter to a Patient
- Once the Treatment Supporter is identified, the records of the person on TB treatment (Ni-kshay & treatment card) have to be updated by assigning the treatment supporter (prior registration in Ni-kshay is a pre-requisite) to the person on TB treatment.
- Treatment Supporters can receive the Treatment Supporters Honorarium (Rs 1000 for DS-TB Treatment and H mono/poly regimen; Rs 5000 for other DR-TB regimens) as a Direct Benefit Transfer. However, to receive the DBT they should not be a salaried government employee.
Only one Treatment Supporter can be assigned to an episode with the status "On Treatment" of the person on TB treatment
the current PHI/ TU user can assign Treatment Supporters. -
If required, a Treatment Supporter can be removed/ replaced by another Treatment Supporter anytime during the treatment.
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