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ID Language Title Status LMS Page Link ContentCreator Reviewer Updated/commented date Sort descending
738 Marathi Pharmacological Basis of treatment Published on LMS garima.gautam@theunion.org Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
738 Telugu Pharmacological Basis of treatment Published on LMS garima.gautam@theunion.org Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
555 English Treatment Phases Published on LMS garima.gautam@theunion.org Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
555 Gujarati Treatment Phases Under Development garima.gautam@theunion.org Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
555 Hindi Treatment Phases Under Development garima.gautam@theunion.org Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
555 Marathi Treatment Phases Published on LMS garima.gautam@theunion.org Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
555 Telugu Treatment Phases Published on LMS garima.gautam@theunion.org Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
598 English FDCs used in NTEP Published on LMS Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
598 Gujarati FDCs used in NTEP Under Development Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
598 Hindi FDCs used in NTEP Approved Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
598 Marathi FDCs used in NTEP Published on LMS Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
598 Tamil FDCs used in NTEP Approved Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
553 English First line anti TB drugs Published on LMS Tonmoy Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
553 Gujarati First line anti TB drugs Under Development Tonmoy Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
553 Marathi First line anti TB drugs Tonmoy Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
976 English Second Line anti TB drugs Published on LMS Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
976 Marathi Second Line anti TB drugs Published on LMS Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
976 Telugu Second Line anti TB drugs Published on LMS Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
773 English Types of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis -DRTB Published on LMS Abhimanyu RakeshPS 3 weeks 1 day
773 Gujarati Types of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis -DRTB Under Development Abhimanyu RakeshPS 3 weeks 1 day
599 English TB Drug Regimen Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
599 Gujarati TB Drug Regimen Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
599 Marathi TB Drug Regimen Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
599 Telugu TB Drug Regimen Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
752 English TB Treatment Initiation Published on LMS SheetalRai SwathiK 3 weeks 1 day
752 Marathi TB Treatment Initiation Published on LMS SheetalRai SwathiK 3 weeks 1 day
752 Telugu TB Treatment Initiation Published on LMS SheetalRai SwathiK 3 weeks 1 day
5774 English Pre-treatment Evaluation of TB patients Published on LMS SwathiK SwathiK 3 weeks 1 day
3471 English Start Treatment for DSTB patient & DRTB patient Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
3471 Marathi Start Treatment for DSTB patient & DRTB patient Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
3471 Telugu Start Treatment for DSTB patient & DRTB patient Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
759 English Follow-up sputum examination Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
759 Marathi Follow-up sputum examination Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
759 Telugu Follow-up sputum examination Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
2330 English Nikshay - Drug Dispensation Module Published on LMS Zeeshan PrashantBhat 3 weeks 1 day
2330 Marathi Nikshay - Drug Dispensation Module Published on LMS Zeeshan PrashantBhat 3 weeks 1 day
2330 Telugu Nikshay - Drug Dispensation Module Published on LMS Zeeshan PrashantBhat 3 weeks 1 day
3355 English Adding and viewing Patient Notes Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
3355 Marathi Adding and viewing Patient Notes Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
3355 Telugu Adding and viewing Patient Notes Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
3356 English Assigning Patients to ART and DRTB Centres Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
3356 Marathi Assigning Patients to ART and DRTB Centres Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
3356 Telugu Assigning Patients to ART and DRTB Centres Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
3353 English Updating and Viewing patient Health Facility details Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
3353 Marathi Updating and Viewing patient Health Facility details Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
3353 Telugu Updating and Viewing patient Health Facility details Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
604 English TB Treatment Outcome Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
604 Gujarati TB Treatment Outcome Under Development Awele Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
604 Marathi TB Treatment Outcome Awele Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day
604 Telugu TB Treatment Outcome Approved Awele Abhimanyu 3 weeks 1 day