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Integrated patient-centred care and prevention are one of the pillars of the End TB strategy. This requires TB services to be made affordable and accessible by integrating them with the general health system. 

In 2005, the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was established and was merged with the National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) in 2013, to form the National Health Mission (NHM).The National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) is a flagship programme under the NHM and fund allocation to NTEP occurs through the NHM.


NTEP integrates with the public healthcare system at various levels as follows:

  • Community level – Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA)/ Community Health Volunteers (CHVs)/ Multipurpose Workers (MPWs)
  • Ayushman Bharath Health and Wellness Centre - Sub Health Centre (ABHWC - SHC)
  • Ayushman Bharath Health and Wellness Centre - Primary Health Centre (ABHWC - PHC)
  • Community Health Centre (CHC)
  • District/ Taluka hospital
  • Medical Colleges
  • Other health institutions in the public sector – ESI, railways, ports and the ministries of mines, steel, coal, etc.

Note: As far as NTEP is concerned, a Peripheral Health Institution (PHI) is a health facility headed by a Medical Officer

TB services are provided free of cost through the public health system.

Services provided include:

  1. Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilisation (ACSM) and Information Education and Communication (IEC)
  2. Screening for TB – Active Case Finding (ACF), Passive Case Finding (PCF), Intensified Case finding (ICF)
  3. Diagnosis of TB and drug resistance – Designated Microscopy Centre (DMC) or TB diagnostic centres. Some of the PHIs themselves act as DMCs or Sputum Collection Centres
  4. Treatment for DS-TB and H Mono/Poly DR-TB through PHIs
  5. Treatment for DR-TB through District/Nodal DR-TB Centres
  6. Treatment Support through out treatment course
  7. Clinical follow-up and comorbidity management
  8. Referral services for those with Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs)
  9. Screening for Tobacco and Alcohol addiction and linkage to de-addiction services
  10. TB preventive therapy
  11. Data management in Ni-kshay








Answer 1​

Answer 2​

Answer 3​

Answer 4​

Correct answer​

Correct explanation​

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Part of Post-test​

Which of these is included in the TB services available at sub- centre level?

Providing treatment support and follow-up of TB cases in the sub- centre area

Conducting ACSM and IEC activities

Referring TB symptomatic to the nearby DMC/ TDC

All of the above


Services at ABHWC – SHC level include:

  • Conduct ACSM and IEC activities
  • Conduct case-finding activities in the catchment area of the centre – Active/ Passive/ Intensified
  • Refer TB symptomatics to the nearby DMC/ TDC
  • Linkage of positive DS-TB cases to the nearest PHC for initiation of TB treatment
  • Referral of DR-TB cases to the nearest Nodal DR-TB Centre for treatment
  • Treatment support and follow-up of TB cases in the sub- centre area
  • Liasoning with the STS and MOTC for TB control activities in the area
  • Facilitates data entry in Ni-kshay.






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