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The Medical Officer-TB Control (MO-TC) at the TB Unit (TU) has the overall responsibility for the management of the National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) at the sub-district level and is assisted by the Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS) and the Senior TB Lab Supervisor (STLS).

The MO-TC is responsible for supervising the work of the TU and of the STS and STLS, in addition to their other responsibilities. These visits are conducted on a systematic basis and the protocol to be followed during these visits is shown in the figure below.

Figure: Supervisory Protocols for the MO-TC 

Abbr: NGO: Non-government Organisation


Checklist for the MO-TC at the TU


  • Ensure that all private-sector patients are captured in the Nikshay portal by notification and that public health actions are taken on all TB patients notified irrespective of private or public.
  • Ensure that the treatment supporters are adequately trained and updated on the latest guidelines. 
  • Ensure that the treatment supporters and the private providers are allotted proper Nikshay credentials and that the troubleshooting mechanism works promptly.
  • Organise sputum smear examination at all DMCs of the sub-district.
  • Ensure proper treatment categorisation of diagnosed patients by supporting other MOs of the sub-district. 
  • Ensure that Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) is taking place as per guidelines at all treatment observation centres.
  • Ensure a regular supply of drugs and other logistics and ensure their uninterrupted availability in all Peripheral Health Institutes (PHIs) in the sub-district.
  • Ensure periodic updating of treatment by the corresponding treatment provider/ supporter.
  • Ensure that all the reports pertaining to programme management from the TU are submitted to the district on time.
  • Ensure that all beneficiaries are given Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) as per the guidelines.
  • Ensure that the External Quality Assurance (EQA) of the DMCs under the TU is properly conducted every month.
  • Ensure that the STS and the STLS do proper field visits, carry out the supervision and monitoring as per the checklist and give feedback on a periodical basis.






Question​  Answer 1​  Answer 2​  Answer 3​  Answer 4​  Correct answer​  Correct explanation​  Page id​  Part of Pre-test​  Part of Post-test​ 
How often should an MO-TC visit a DMC in their area?  Every month  Twice a month  Every quarter  Every day  The Medical Officer-TB Control (MO-TC) should cover all Designated Microscopy Centres (DMCs) every month.   Yes Yes

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