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Tuberculosis and COVID-19 are infectious diseases which primarily attack the lungs. They present with similar symptoms of cough, fever and difficulty in breathing, although TB disease has a longer incubation period and a slower onset of disease.


Screen patients for symptoms of TB and COVID-19

Figure: Screening steps for TB - COVID 19 Patients


Management of TB & COVID-19 Patients

People with TB are likely to be at increased risk of COVID-19 infection, illness and death. So, TB patients should take precautions as advised by health authorities to be protected from COVID-19 and continue their TB treatment as prescribed.

Prevention: While both TB and COVID-19 are spread by close contact between people, the exact mode of transmission differs. Thus, the patient should be explained the following measures to control disease spread.

  • Apart from that keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds and Respiratory precautions are thus important in the prevention and cure of COVID-19 and TB Disease

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