Pharmacist: National TB Elimination Program Evolution of TB Elimination Programme in India NTEP NSP targets National Strategic Plan [NSP] for TB Elimination 2017-25 NTEP Objectives- in relation to NSP 2017-2025 Organizational Structure of NTEP The State TB Cell State TB Training and Demonstration Centre [STDC] District TB Centre [DTC] Tuberculosis Unit [TU] Peripheral Health Institutions [PHI] and Health Facilities DR-TB Centres and Network Drugs Stores in NTEP Standards of TB Care in India Stages in the life of a person with TB
Pharmacist: DR-TB Treatment and care Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis [DR-TB] Screening for DR-TB Types of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis -DRTB DR-TB Treatment Regimens DR-TB Treatment – Patient Flow Pre treatment evaluation of DRTB cases Second Line anti TB drugs ADRs to Second Line Treatment Reporting of Adverse Events and Serious Adverse Events Goals of DR-TB Treatment Newer Anti-TB Drugs Weight Band-wise Dosages of DR-TB Drugs for Adults Treatment of DR-TB in Children