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Ni-kshay automatically generates benefi­ts as per the scheme guidelines. All bene­fits are linked to the patient's episode irrespective of the benefi­ciary. These bene­fits need to undergo two levels of approvals in Ni-kshay before being sent to Public Financial Management System (PFMS) for payment to the benefi­ciary. Action can be taken only for bene­fits for which the corresponding benefi­ciary has been registered (validated) with PFMS.

Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) maker and DBT checker are responsible for the 2-level benefit approval in Ni-kshay. First Tuberculosis Unit (TU) user (DBT maker) has to approve the benefits, which then will be displayed under the ‘Pending’ section of the DBT module from the District Tuberculosis Officer's (DTO’s) login (DBT checker).

The benefi­t transaction remains in the ‘Processing’ tab of the maker till it is under process with DTO (for approval) or PFMS (for payment). Only the status of the transaction changes. The status of the transaction will either be “waiting for has not yet approved it when it is under the DBT Checker or will be “Sent to PFMS for Payment" when DBT Checker has approved and the benefi­t is pending PFMS for payment.


Benefit processing in Ni-kshay

Figure: Benefit processing in Ni-kshay


The approved benefi­ts by the DBT checker in Ni-kshay are sent to PFMS regularly (every night). Once the benefit is processed and money is credited, PFMS will inform Ni-kshay and the status of such benefi­ts is updated/ displayed in Ni-kshay as “Paid”.






Question  Answer 1  Answer 2  Answer3  Answer 4  Correct Answer  Correct explanation 
A benefit undergoes 2-level of approval in Ni-kshay first by____ and then by___

Creator at Public Health CarePHC level and

Checker at the district level

Maker at DTO level and

Checker at State TB Officer's (STO) level

Maker at TU level and Checker at DTO level  None of the above 3 A benefit undergoes 2-level of approval in Ni-kshay first by maker at TU level and then by checker at DTO level.


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