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During the treatment of Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) patients, there are some important points that patients and caregivers must be counselled on. 


The table below shows all the aspects of DR-TB counselling that must be covered by health workers.


Table: DR-TB Counselling Tool; Source: PMDT Guidelines, March 2021, p232.
1. Greeting and Introduction: Build rapport in order to establish an effective relationship
  • Greet the patient and introduce yourself; establish boundaries by describing your role clearly
  • Collect basic demographic details 
  • Ensure that all the information shared or discussed will be kept confidential
  • Inform patients of free diagnosis and free treatment under National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) 
2. Education: Assess and provide correct and updated information
  • Provide basic information on TB and discuss about the symptoms of TB
  • Differentiate between drug-sensitive-TB and drug- resistant TB
  • Explain about the diagnosis of DR-TB
  • Explain about the DR-TB treatment regimen, duration, side effects and importance of adherence to the regimens
  • Assess and arrange available support systems for adherence
  • Addressing stigma and discrimination
3. Importance of Cough Hygiene and Airborne Infection Control (AIC) at Home
  • Discuss about the contagious nature of TB
  • Inform about the correct cough hygiene and safe disposal of sputum
  • Provide information on the use of mask/ handkerchief
  • Explain that wet mopping is advisable
4. Importance of Nutritious and High-protein Diet
  • Assess food habits
  • Advise the patient based on socio-cultural and economic background
  • Consider underlying comorbidities while advising on diet (e.g., diabetes, hypertension)
5. Nikshay Poshan Yojana: Inform about social welfare schemes
  • Link the patient with Nikshay Poshan Yojana and other social welfare schemes
6. Other Important Aspects of Counselling
  • De-addiction counselling
  • Sexual and reproductive health
  • Addressing mental health
  • Family/ caregiver counselling





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