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he examples of banding patterns for Second Line - Line Probe Assay (SL - LPA) are shown in the figure below.




  • All wild type bands display signal, mark as “+” against Wild Type (WT) column of the respective gene.
  • If at least one of the wild type bands is absent, mark as “-“ against WT column. Similarly, “+” or “-” for Mutation probes (MUT).


Figure: Examples for banding patterns for SL - LPA; Source: GenoType MTBDRsl Ver 2.0 Kit, Instructions for Use.



Example #1

  • The wild type banding pattern.
  • All wild type probes, but none of the mutation probes display a signal; hence, evaluation chart shows “+”.
  • Four wild type columns and “–” in the four mutation columns; hence, no entry made in the fields of resistance columns.


Example #7

  • gyrA locus and gyrB locus show wild type pattern; hence, evaluation chart shows “+” for fluoroquinolone (ofloxacin) resistance.
  • rrs locus shows wild type pattern; hence, evaluation chart shows “+” for Kanamycin.
  • eis wild type bands are present and “eis MUT” is absent; low-level Kanamycin resistance is assigned to the test.






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