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Socio-economic factors affecting TB patients are: 

1. General socioeconomic conditions of the society, culture and environment. This includes:

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)  

  • Immigration  

  • Urbanisation 

  • Incidence of TB in the country   

  • Labour policy 

  • Access to healthcare 

2. Socioeconomic position of the individual. This includes:

  • Income 

  • Education 

  • Occupation  

  • Social class/ caste 

  • Indigenous/ tribal population 

  • Gender 

3. Living and working conditions. This includes: 

  • Housing conditions (overcrowding and poor ventilation especially in night shelters, de-addiction centres, old age homes, prisons) 

  • Employment conditions - Occupation with risk of developing TB (mines, coal industry, sand blasting industries, weaving & glass industries, stone-crushers, cotton mill workers, tea garden workers, rice mill workers, etc.,) 

  • Homelessness  

  • Hard to reach areas 

  • Urban slums 

3. Psychosocial risk factors, such as:  

  • Social exclusion 

  • Depression  

4. Individual lifestyle risk factors, such as:  

  • Smoking  

  • Alcohol abuse  

  • Tobbaco use 

  • Drug abuse  

  • Nutrition (malnutrition) 

  • Co-morbidities like diabetes mellitus, malignancies, patients on dialysis and on long term immunosuppressant therapy HIV, past history of TB 








Answer 2​   

Answer 3​   

Answer 4​   

Correct answer​   

Correct explanation​   

Socio-economic factors affecting TB patients are:

  1. Housing 

  1. Income 

  1. Access to healthcare 

  1. Alcohol abuse  






TB is one of the few diseases which reflects and expresses social inequalities. Living conditions, economic conditions, lifestyle, and access, affordability, and availability of healthcare are factors which affect TB patients. 

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